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Title page for etd-0122118-041459
The Power of Organizational Culture: A Case Study of the Rise and Struggles of Master Kong’s Great F&B Empire in China
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Chinese context, organizational culture analysis scheme, Competing Value Framework, case study, Hofstede’s culture dimension, organizational culture, organizational effectiveness
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組織文化如何影響組織效能,此影響是否受到其他外部環境變因的調節,在過往豐富的相關研究成果中尚未有一致定論。加上此兩構念的內涵龐大,許多學者主張應以質化研究方法深入探討,才能更清楚了解其關係全貌。本論文以案例研究的方式,融合過往量化研究揭示的思考方向,嘗試提出新的組織文化與組織效能關聯性的分析架構,並藉由康師傅此一獨特案例在中國經濟飛速發展的獨特環境中經歷的快速擴張與成功,以及隨之而來面臨的困境,勾勒出組織文化對組織效能影響的全貌,以及外部環境變因所扮演的調節角色,同時賦予過往量化研究方式如競值架構 (Competing Value Framework)、霍夫斯泰德文化維度 (Hofstede’s cultural dimensions) 等概念更豐富的血肉,並提出相關討論、揭示豐富組織文化研究的方向,以供管理實務與後續學術研究參考。
How does organizational culture affect organizational effectiveness? Is the correlation moderated by external factors? Though abundant researches and literature had been devoted to answer the above questions, not a firm conclusion had been reached yet. As both constructs being holistic and comprehensive in nature, many researchers had advocated the importance of employing qualitative approach to fully decipher the correlations. The current study tries to present a preliminary new analysis scheme for studying organizational culture’s influences by integrating concepts acquired from previous measure-based approaches, and to employ the scheme on the analysis of Master Kong’s very special case in a unique business setting of Chinese economic booming years. Through the case’s rapid expansion, immediate success, and the struggles that followed in a changed environment, the study tries to present a full picture of the case’s organizational culture in the lens of levels of culture, Competing Value Framework, as well as Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, and to decipher the organizational culture-effectiveness correlations and the possible moderating effects of the external factors of industry type, market situation, economic conditions, and national culture. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed for future organization studies and further inquiries on organizational culture.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要.………………………………………………………………………………............. iii
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………..……iv
List of Figures and tables ………………………………………………………………….… viii
Chapter 1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………….…1
Chapter 2. Theoretical Background ………………………………………………………3
2.1. The evolution of culture and climate concepts in organization studies……..6
2.2. The link between organizational culture and performance…………………..6
2.3. The insightful perspectives beyond organization boundaries………………..9
Chapter 3. Research Context ……………………………………………………………. 11
3.1. Definition of organizational culture……………………………………….. 11
3.2. Level of analysis and elements of organizational culture…………………. 11
3.2.1. Observable artifacts………………………………………………..12
3.2.2. Espoused beliefs and values………………………………………..12
3.2.3. Underlying assumptions……………………………………………12
3.3. Types of culture based on competing value model…………………………13
3.4. Organizational effectiveness and performance……………………………..17
Chapter 4. Research Method……………………………………………………….…..…18
4.1. Single-case study and the choice of the case………………..…………..… 18
4.2. Analysis scheme and process………………………………………………20
4.3. Data sources……………………………………………………………..…22
4.3.1. Public publication, company records, and annual reports……..…. 22
4.3.2. Interviews………………………………………………………… 23
4.3.3. First-hand on-site participant observation……………………….. 23
Chapter 5. Findings……………………………………………………….…..…………… 24
5.1. Background and history of Master Kong……………..……..…….……… 24
5.1.1. The business…………………………………….…..……..……… 25
5.2. The Master Kong Culture…………………………….…..…………..….. 26
5.2.1. Artifacts…………………………….…..…………………………. 26 Encountering the organization: order, discipline, uniform, and clear division among ranks…………………..…….. 26 Caring and taking care of employees as family members 28
5.2.2. Espoused beliefs and values……….…..…………………………. 30 Ethical……….…..………………………………………. 31 Pragmatic…….…..……………………………………… 31 Innovative…….…..…………………………………….. 32 Conscientious/diligent………………………………….. 32 Integrity…….…..……………………………………..… 33 Expertise…….…..………………………………………. 33 Agility…….…..…………………………………………. 33 Visionary, Scientific, Meritocracy, and Collaborative….. 34
5.2.3. Basic Assumptions: The Master Kong Paradigm…………………. 34
5.3. Master Kong culture in the competing value model……………………… 39
5.3.1. Analyzing Master Kong culture in the six dimensions of OCAI…. 39 Dominant characteristics……………………………….. 39 Organizational leadership………………………………. 39 Management of employee………………………………. 40 Organizational glue……………………………………… 40 Strategic emphasis………………………………………. 40 Criteria of success………………………………………. 41
5.4. Master Kong performance……………………………………………….. 42
5.4.1. Size, scope, and speed of expansion of the organization………….. 43
5.4.2. General performance on production and sales/marketing capabilities
5.4.3. Management capabilities and profitability……………………….. 45
5.4.4. Market performance………………………………………………. 45
5.5. Industry characteristics of FMCG and F&B business…………………….. 49
5.6. Economic condition and society situation in China………………………. 50
5.6.1. The exceptional opportunities of economic booming…………….. 50
5.6.2. The undeveloped labor force and market situation in 1990s……… 52
5.7. A perfect fit of Master Kong Paradigm to its context………………………54
5.7.1. Formalized and structured organization driven by procedures, clearly defined roles and responsibilities……………………………….….54
5.7.2. Control and result-driven leadership style…………………….……54
5.7.3. Conformity and predictability of management………………..……54
5.7.4. Strategic emphasis of efficiency, control, and smooth operation…. 55
5.7.5. Strategic emphasis of employee development……………………. 55
5.7.6. Expertise and Pragmatic value……………………………………. 55
5.7.7. Conscientious value……………………….……………………… .55
5.7.8. Integrity and Ethic value………………….………………………. 56
5.7.9. Leader as the source of ideas, decision making, and command……56
5.8. Confucianism as the fertile soil and Hofstede’s culture dimensions……….56
5.9. The struggles of Master Kong Paradigm………………………………….. 61
Chapter 6. Discussion and Conclusion…………………………………………………. 66
6.1. Contribution to organizational culture studies……………………………. 66
6.2. Contribution to organization culture-effectiveness link………………….. 67
6.3. Contribution to Competing Value Framework…………………………..…68
6.4. Contribution to Hofstede’s culture dimensions………………………….…69
6.5. Contribution to applications…………………………………….……….…70
6.6. Limitations and directions for future research………………………….…. 70
6.7. Conclusion……………………………………………………………….…71
Appendix: Interview questions outline…………………………………………..…….…79
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