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Title page for etd-0123107-142848
The Analysis of Operation Efficiency between Banks inside and outside of Financial Holding Companies
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The materials charter and hold analytic approach, scale efficiency, pure technological efficiency, technological efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis
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摘 要
目前國內購併案(如國泰銀行併購世華商業銀行)或合組成「金融控股公司」已牽動了台灣14 家金融控股公司的金融版圖重整與營運格局,然而這些金融控股公司是否能達成預期的價值和一加一大於二的綜效( Synergy )目標直待考驗。
窺視國內非屬「金融控股公司」 下獨立銀行,在金融市場飽和情況下,利差縮小,收益大幅減少,資產品質不佳,以致逾放比率居高不下等眾多不利因素下,如何面對資產極為龐大「金融控股公司」下之大銀行而創造其生機,意謂其經營績效是否受影響;另就成立「金融控股公司」是否意謂著就能達成範疇經濟及規模經濟之目的。本研究的目的,著重於欲解開在國際金融潮流下,成立「金融控股公司」是否真能提升銀行經營績效及在內憂外患雙重壓力下之獨立銀行經營效率是否真的不如「金融控股公司」下之銀行。
基於上述背景及動機,故本文希望籍由文獻探討、資料蒐集及利用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis ,簡稱DEA ),表現研究結果,冀以提供政府主管機關或「金融控股公司」決策者及欲設立「金融控股公司」之銀行一些參考意見。
學 號:N936040020

After our country joins WTO, will face the strong capital competition pressure of the international large-scale financial institution, and after foreign businessman's bank has grand capital, the industry manages completely dark, in the face of so strong impact country the financial market fluctuates and aggravates, has increased the operation pressure of the domestic banking, too. How to transform this pressure into helping hand, utilize aquistion and merger to consider complementarily , lower costs then improve the competitiveness, it is really the question which the banking of Taiwan needs to face at present.

Domestic aquistion and merger case or makes up the financial domain that the financial holding company has already affected 14 financial holding companies in Taiwan to reform with the operation pattern jointly at present, but these financial holding companies can reach the value expected and comprehensive result which is greater than two of one plus one ( Synergy ) The goal needs checking and tests directly.

It does not belong to the financial holding company at home to spy on put the independent bank, in case of financial market saturation, the profit shrinks, the income reduces by a wide margin, the quality of the assets is not good, so that is it put rate is it wait for numerous unfavourable factor to remain high to exceed, how face assets huge financial holding company lay big bank create life their extremely, whether it is influenced that purpose calls it and manages the performance; Establish financial holding company purpose is it can reach category economy and purpose of the large-scale production to call separately. Purpose of this research, focus on wanting to untie it under the trend of the international finance, can really improve the bank and manage the performance and business efficiency of independent bank to establish the financial holding company under the double pressure of the domestic trouble and foreign invasion and really not so good as finance holding company bank put.

Because of above-mentioned backgrounds and motives, so this text hope book probe into by document, materials collect and utilize materials not to make analytic approach of holding in place with a net ( Data Envelopment Analysis , abbreviated as DEA) ,displaying the result of study, it is by offering competent authorities or the financial holding company policymaker to the government and wanting to set up some reference suggestions of bank of the financial holding company.

Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis , The materials charter and hold analytic approach, technological efficiency, pure technological efficiency, scale efficiency
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄 頁次
摘 要-------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
目 錄-------------------------------------------------------------Ⅲ
附 表-------------------------------------------------------------Ⅶ
第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景及動機-----------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的-----------------------------------------------2
第三節 研究範圍及對象-----------------------------------------2
第四節 研究架構和方法-----------------------------------------3
第五節 研究限制-----------------------------------------------6
第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------------7
第一節 銀行經營效率之探討-------------------------------------7
第二節 銀行投入產出項之界定-----------------------------------8
第三節 銀行產出之衡量-----------------------------------------9
第四節 資料包絡分析法評估銀行經營效率之文獻探討---------------10
第三章 研究方法 資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopement Analysis)-----25
第一節 DEA 模式基本觀念--------------------------------------25
第二節 DEA的特性與限制--------------------------------------34
第三節 DEA使用程序------------------------------------------36
第四章 實證分析---------------------------------------------------38
第一節 投入變數與產出變數之選取-------------------------------38
第二節 國內銀行經營效率之實證分析-----------------------------40
第五章 結論-------------------------------------------------------71
第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------71
第二節 建議---------------------------------------------------72
參考文獻 References
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