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論文名稱 Title |
居民社區參與行為之影響模式研究 A study of community resident’s participation behavior model |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
181 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2007-07-30 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2008-01-27 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
計劃行為理論、社會認知、社會資本、社區發展、社區參與 Community Development, Social Cognition, Theory of Planned Behavior, Social Capital, Community Participation |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5852 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5852 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
社區營造的過程,社區參與是重要課題之一,如何提升居民社區參與意願、行為,一直是社區工作者關心的議題。雖然以往的研究,顯示凝聚社區意識能夠提升居民社區參與,但多著重在誘因及策略之探討,對於居民社區參與的心理決策層面,如行為模式、行為改變因素及效能感等,則較少觸及。故本研究目的有四:首先為驗證社區意識與社會資本間的關係。其次,瞭解社區意識對於集體效能、自我效能間的影響性。三為探討社會資本對於計劃行為理論構面的效果。最後,結合社區意識、社會資本、社會認知與計劃行為理論相關構面,建立居民社區參與行為模式。 本研究有關居民社區參與行為的研究變項,包括:「社區意識」、「規範價值」、「鄰里互動」、「信任」、「集體效能」、「自我效能」、「主觀規範」、「態度」、「行為意向」及「社區參與」等,並以高雄市10個社區發展協會的社區參與者(有效總樣本數為572人)為研究對象,利用調查研究,針對回收之問卷,進行信度分析及探索性因素分析後,運用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling; SEM)建構影響居民社區參與行為意向之影響變項及模式檢驗。 分析結果亦發現,本研究檢驗的11個假設,皆獲得支持。其中,社區意識對於集體效能、規範價值及鄰里互動等具有極高度的影響;此外,集體效能對於自我效能、態度對於參與行為意向等亦有高度影響性。在模式解釋水準方面,實證結果顯示,本研究運用社區意識、社會資本、社會認知及計劃行為等理論,所建構的居民社區參與模式部分,在均方根近似誤(MRSEA)指標部分,符合理想標準,故為合理之模式。 本研究除順利達成研究目的,並對研究結果相關意涵,提出具體策略外,對於社會認知理論的自我效能、集體效能,未來運用於社區研究領域上,應有正向啟發效果。 |
Abstract |
During the process of community empowerment, resident participation has always played a significant role. Issues such as how to enhance residents’ intention to get involved in community activities are consistently taken into discussion. Previous studies have revealed that community participation can be carried out by the integration of community awareness. However, most of these studies were generally focused on the exploration of inducement and strategy, rarely examining from the perspective of psychological decision-making factors such as behavior model, changing factors and efficacy. Therefore, the purpose of the study is: first, to understand the relationship between Sense of Community and Social Capital; second, to testify the influence of Sense of Community on Collective Efficacy and Self-efficacy; third, to explore the impact of Social Capital on the perspective of Theory of Planned Behavior; finally, to combine the related perspectives from Sense of Community, Social Capital, Social Cognition and Theory of Planned Behavior to develop residents community participation behavior model. The research variables of the study include Sense of Community, Norm Value, Neighborhood Interaction, Trust, Collective Efficacy, Self-Efficacy, Subject Norm, Attitude, Behavioral Intention and Community Participation. The research objects of 572 valid samples are community residents from 10 community development associations in Kaohsiung City. Questionnaires were collected and analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to examine and explain each variable that influence residents’ intention to participate in community. The results indicated that all the 11 assumptions present positive correlations. It is found that the Sense of Community presents great impact on Collective Efficacy, Norm Value and Neighborhood Interaction. Collective Efficacy also has strong influence on Self-Efficacy and Attitude. The result of the study based on the theories of Sense of Community, Social Capital, Social Cognitive Theory, and Theory of Planned Behavioral is considered as acceptable model as the development of resident community participation model reaches ideal standard on the index of Mean Root Square Error of Approximation (MRSEA). The research not only fulfills the purpose of study, but also provides concrete strategies for further studies. It also presents positive effect for Self-Efficacy and Collective Efficacy application on Social Cognitive Theory. |
目次 Table of Contents |
第一章 緒 論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究重要性與目的 4 第三節 研究流程與內容 6 第四節 研究名詞定義 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 社區參與和社區意識 10 第二節 社會資本與社區 19 第三節 行為理論和社區參與 36 第四節 小結 59 第三章 研究假設與設計 63 第一節 研究假設 64 第二節 問卷設計 69 第三節 研究設計 78 第四節 資料分析方法介紹 81 第四章 實證資料分析 87 第一節 問卷回收與樣本特徵 87 第二節 各研究構面之信度分析 90 第三節 各研究構面之因素分析 98 第四節 研究模式之測量模式 109 第五節 研究模式之結構模式 113 第五章 結論與建議 123 第一節 研究發現與討論 123 第二節 建議與策略 130 第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 135 參考文獻 139 居民社區參與行為模式整合研究問卷 (預試問卷) 165 居民社區參與行為模式研究問卷(正式問卷) 169 |
參考文獻 References |
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