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飼料α-次亞麻油酸與亞麻油酸比例對海鱺體脂肪 脂肪酸置換的影響
α-Linolenic acid and linoleic acid ratio on wash-out of tissue fatty acids in cobia (Rachycentron canadum)
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cobia (Rachycentron canadum), fish oil, unsaturated fatty acids, wash-out, ALA/LA ratio
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魚體脂肪酸組成會受到飼料脂肪酸組成影響,植物油為油脂來源飼料會導致魚體的高度不飽和脂肪酸(highly unsaturated fatty acid, HUFA)含量下降,減低其營養價值,魚油置換(wash-out)則在使魚體的HUFA含量在短時間內恢復,然而很多因子會影響置換的效率。本研究目的在於探討飼料中α-次亞麻油酸(α-linolenic acid, ALA, C18:3n-3)與亞麻油酸(linoleic acid, LA, C18:2n-6)比例不同是否會影響海鱺置換及蓄積HUFA的能力。實驗分為十週成長實驗與八週置換實驗兩階段。成長實驗飼料為五組均為等氮等能量之飼料,其中四組為以棕櫚油、亞麻油及葵花油製作ALA/LA比例分別為0.1、0.5、1.0及2.0之飼料,並以魚油為油脂來源為控制組,五組飼料分別餵食海鱺。置換實驗為各組實驗飼料均換成全魚油飼料。成長實驗結束後,各植物油部分取代魚油處理組之成長表現均無負面影響,ALA/LA比例不同亦不影響海鱺的成長表現,魚體脂肪酸組成會受到ALA/LA比例所影響。成長實驗中餵飼低ALA/LA比例飼料會顯著(P<0.05)增加在置換實驗中魚體組織HUFA含量。成長實驗及置換實驗魚體血清中三酸甘油酯、膽固醇、高密度脂蛋白及低密度脂蛋白均無顯著差異。因此,飼料ALA/LA除影響海鱺體脂肪酸組成外,也影響其後HUFA置換,低ALA/LA有較好的置換效率。
Effects of different dietary α-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) to linoleic acid (LA, 18:2n-6) ratios on growth performance, tissue fatty acid composition, and subsequent finishing (wash-out) efficiency in cobia was evaluated. The ALA/LA ratios of experimental formulated to be between 0.1 and 2.0 by supplementing different levels of palm oil, linseed oil, and sunflower oil, and a fish oil diet was used as the control. The experiment was carried out with a 10 week growth-out period when the experimental diets were given and a subsequent finishing “wash out” period of 8 weeks. There was no significant difference in growth performance of cobia. The fish fed with diet with a lower ALA/LA ratio (hence receive more dietary LA) had significantly higher concentrations of DHA in the muscle at the end of the finishing period. Dietary ALA/LA ratio not only affected the fatty acid profile of the cobia in growth-out period, but also increased the efficiency of HUFA deposition in the subsequent wash out period.
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參考文獻 References
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