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博碩士論文 etd-0204104-195109 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0204104-195109
The Study on Interaction Between Cable Television System Operators and Community Relationship
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cable television system operator, relationship quality, community relationship, relationship marketing
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我國有線電視之普及率已超過八成,成為一般民眾日常生活中不可或缺的一環。惟有線電視系統經營者因產業快速發展所產生之衝突事件及其因產業特性所衍生的營運問題所致,一般社區民眾對於系統經營者普遍缺乏正面認同感。然而因系統經營者之客戶即為社區民眾,且有線電視系統經營者於整體之營運上與社區關係又息息相關,但因系統經營者自有線廣播電視法立法以來,面臨一連串併購及整合,且因過度競爭所產生的財務虧損狀況,致使系統經營者對於攸關其永續經營的社區關係,疏於經營及管理,此即為導致系統經營者與社區民眾紛爭不斷之主要因素。 然而,國內關有線電視之研究,大多偏重於經營成效、經營策略、收視費率、收視戶滿意度、節目規劃…等之探討,對於系統經營者於社區關係經營之研究較為少見。因此本研究之研究目的有三:一、探討現行有線電視系統經營者於社區關係經營的作法。二、探討社區民眾對有線電視系統經營者真正之需求。三、提供有線電視系統經營者社區關係經營之建議本研究以高雄市有線電視系統經營者為研究對象,採質化研究之深度訪談方式探討系統經營者現行社區關係經營之行為;並以焦點團體訪談法針對社區意見領袖進行訪談,瞭解社區民眾對於系統經營者之需求;最後為求資料取得之嚴謹性,並輔以量化研究,將系統經營者之作法,針對其收視社區民眾進行問卷調查,以瞭解社區民眾對於系統經者於社區關係經營之體認。最後針對研究所得之資料以關係行銷之觀點,就影響有線電視系統經營者經營社區關係品質之認同、滿意、參與等三構面,進行分析及探討。期能對於有線電視系統經營者社區關係之經營作為提供建議。其主要研究結果如下:一、有線電視系統經營者以基本服務獲得社區民眾之認同及滿意二、有線電視系統經營者以結構性結合之參與行為架構社區關係之最高層次三、社區民眾對於有線電視系統經營者之地方媒體角色扮演深具期望四、有線電視系統經營者應再加強與社區關係之參與行為
Cable television is an essential part of Taiwanese’ life and its penetration has been already over 80%. However, the community public are lacking of positive identification toward system operators because of some problems resulting from rapid development of the industry and industrial features. The system operators not only serve the principal client, the community public, but also play the key roles in the whole working. Unfortunately, cable system continues to merge and to converge since the Cable Radio And Television Law enacted.Besides, due to the financial default of over-competition, the cable television system operators ignore the operation and development of community relationship, which is highly associated with sustainable running itself. This is also the main discord between the cable television system operators and the community public.To make a comprehensive survey of the related research on cable television, most of them focus on the performance, management strategy, rating, satisfaction and program planning. Generally speaking, these researches lack of the discussion of community relationship. Therefore, the purposes of this research include three dimensions. n To discuss the operation of cable television system operators in managing community relationshipn To find out the requirement of the community public toward cable television system operatorsn To offer operational suggestions to the cable television system operatorsThis research aims at the cable television system operators in Kaohsiung as the target group. In order to understand the community public’s needs of the cable television system operators, this research first takes advantage of focus group discussion to survey the community opinion leaders’ comment and depth interview method to discuss how system operators manage their community relationship as well.The third step of this paper is to add quantitative dimension to complete the research. In this part, a survey to understand the opinions of community public regarding to the community relationship that cable television operate is processed. The last part of this paper explains the data with relationship marketing in three dimensions: identification, satisfaction and participation. This paper expects to offer operational suggestions to the cable television system operators.The main results as follow:n The cable television system operators offering the basic service obtain the identification and satisfaction from the community public.n The cable television system operators view the constructional participation as the highest level in building up the community relationship.n The community public highly expects the cable television system operators to play a local media role.n The cable television system operators should improve the participation and the relationship with community public.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論……………………..1
第一節 研究背景………………….1
第二節 研究目的………………….3
第三節 研究範圍………………….3
第四節 研究流程………………….4
第二章 文獻探討………………….5
第一節 有線電視………………….5
第二節 有線電視系統經營者……10
第三節 社區的定義……………..11
第四節 社區關係………………..13
第五節 關係行銷..............15
第三章 研究方法………………..44
第一節 研究對象………………..44
第二節 研究架構………………..45
第三節 研究設計………………..47
第四節 信度與較度分析………..50
第五節 研究工具………………..53
第四章 資料分析…………..54
第一節 有線電視系統經營者之社區關係經營行為………………………………54
第二節 社區民眾對於有線電視系統經營者之期許 …………………………..73
第三節 有線電視系統經營者與社區關係品質之分析………………………………86
第四節 綜合分析 98
第五章 結論與建議.........102
第一節 結 論............103
第二節 有線電視系統經營者建立社區關係之建議........................105
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議…106
參考文獻 ………………..108
中文文獻 ………………..108
英文文獻 …………………111
附 錄…………………………..116
參考文獻 References
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