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博碩士論文 etd-0204108-041513 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0204108-041513
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conglomerate in Taiwan, personnel/employee relocation, transfer, conglomerate transfer, institution Resource-based theory, politics theory
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1. 體制型:集團遷調人力資源統合度高和員工對遷調的選擇權小,集團內遷調活動變成一種價值觀和義務
2. 策略型:集團遷調人力資源統合度高和員工對遷調的選擇權大,集團內遷調活動主要是為了因應組織獲得資源的策略
3. 政治型:集團遷調人力資源統合度低和員工對遷調的選擇權大,集團內遷調,活動和目的以母公司利益為中心或政治目的
4. 行政型:集團遷調人力資源統合度低和員工對遷調的選擇權小集團內遷調活動以行政為中心尚有完整策略和制度


1. 集團遷調人力資源統合度 (薪資福利規模差異、集團性強度)
2. 員工對遷調的選擇權(遷調文化、遷調目的)
3. 遷調流程和薪資福利配套措施
4. 遷調的身份、任期制和回任制度
5. 公司和員工對遷調的態度&遷調的推行結果、現狀和困難

Due to globalization, organizations are faced with keener competition than before and conglomeration becomes one of the effective ways to remain organizations’ competitiveness advantage.

Since conglomeration becomes a popular way to maintain organizations’ competitive advantages,
the issue of how to manage, to make the best of, to integrate conglomerate Human Resources get to
be very important. Among them, conglomerate personnel transfer is one of the common HR practices.

Different conglomerates have different transfer policies, purposes, cultures, practices and above
all, outcomes.

The research aims at transferring policies in conglomerates in Taiwan, especially five
manufacturing conglomerates: Formosa Group, Yuen Foong Yu Group, FarEastern Group,
Uni-President Groups, China-steel Corporation Group, integrating the transfer policies in the
current practice among these five Taiwanese conglomerates, reviewing the literature on the
definition of conglomerate, conglomerate investment mode, transferring-related theories to break
the 5 Taiwanese Conglomerates into 4 transfer groups:

1. Institution Type:Conglomerate Transfer activities become company’s values and employees’ duties
when the concentration level for conglomerate relocation Human Resource policy is high and when the level of employee choice is low.
2. Strategic Type:Conglomerate Transfer activities are the means for organizations to get resources needed to respond to organizational strategies when the concentration level for conglomerate transfer Human Resource policy is high and when the level of employee choice is high.
3. Political Type: Conglomerate Transfer activities are for the purpose of organizational political activities or headquarter-centered interest when the concentration level for conglomerate Transfer Human Resource policy is low and when the level of employee choice is high.
4. Administration Type: Conglomerate Transfer system and strategies are not very comprehensive and intact which is still under developing when the concentration level for conglomerate Transfer Human Resource policy is low and when the level of employee choice is low.

After defining four types of Transfer systems, the research intends to respectively sort out the characteristics into dimensions, describing the process, content and outcome as follows:

1. Concentration level for conglomerate relocation Human Resource policy (the difference of Compensation & Benefits and Conglomerate Intensity)
2. Level of employee choice (tranfer culture and purpose)
3. The process and responsive relocation Compensation & Benefits measure
4. Relocation identity and Repatriation
5. Relocation Status quo, outcome and difficulties from the point of view of companies and employees

The research also provides the insight for conglomerate personnel transfer and analyzes strength and shortcoming for each transfer type from the cases in practice.
目次 Table of Contents
目錄 i
圖目錄 iii
表目錄 iv
中文摘要 1
英文摘要 3

第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機 5
1.2 研究目的 6
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 集團企業 7
2.1.1 集團企業之定義 7
2.1.2 集團企業之投資模式 10
2.1.3 集團母子公司人力資源管理系統相似度 14
2.2 遷調管理 17
2.2.1 遷調的定義 17
2.2.2 集團員工遷調之成因 24
2.2.3 本研究遷調範圍和定義 27
2.2.4 遷調相關理論 30 組織層面 30 個人層面和員工對遷調選擇性高低 32
第三章 研究方法
3.1 研究方法 34
3.1.1 深入訪談法 35
3.1.2 比較分析法 35
3.2 研究流程 35
3.3 研究對象 37
第四章 企業遷調制度之比較與分析
4.1 中國鋼鐵集團之遷調制度 38
4.1.1 公司集團特性簡介 38
4.1.2 集團遷調制度 41
4.2 統一企業集團之遷調制度 43
4.2.1 公司集團特性簡介 43
4.2.2 集團遷調制度 44
4.3 遠東紡織集團之遷調制度 47
4.3.1 公司集團特性簡介 47
4.3.2 集團遷調制度 48
4.4 永豐餘實業集團之遷調制度 51
4.4.1 公司集團特性簡介 51
4.4.2 集團遷調制度 54
4.5 台塑企業集團之遷調制度 58
4.5.1 公司集團特性簡介 58
4.5.2 集團遷調制度 60
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 台灣五大集團遷調制度之比較與分析 64
5.2 集團遷調制度四類型、內容流程和結果 72
5.2.1 體制型集團遷調制度 74
5.2.2 策略型集團遷調制度 76
5.2.3 政治型集團遷調制度 77
5.2.4 行政型集團遷調制度 79
5.3 集團遷調制度的研究結果 84

參考文獻 86
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1. 中國鋼鐵公司網站,。
2. 遠東紡織網站,
3. 永豐餘網站,
4. 台塑網站,
5. 統一企業網站,
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