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Title page for etd-0204109-003033
團隊多元性與團隊情緒智商對團隊績效之影響: 團隊社會資本的中介作用影響
The Influence of Group Diversity and Group Emotional Intelligence on Group Performance in Institutions: The Mediating Effects of Group Social Capital
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group emotional capital, social capital, group performance, group conflict, group diversity
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1. 團隊多元性會導致團隊關係衝突,降低團隊績效表現?
2. 當團隊情緒智商高時,能有效降低團隊多元性產生的關係衝突,進而提高團隊績效表現?
3. 團隊智商高的團隊有助於累積的社會資本,進而強化團隊的績效表現?
As the trend of progressive development of technological information and globalization, organization use teams to manage the complex operational activities in dynamic environment. Organizations use cross-functional team to encourage individuals’ knowledge sharing; however, the team members are composed by talents with different professional background and the way they think, work and express emotion are different. Hence, whether or not the group members with high level of group emotional intellectual and whether or not the group can from their social capital in their group determine their group performance and organizational success.
Through a series of questionnaire survey of groups in health care Industory and using hierarchical regression analysis to deal with the data, our research indicate will investigate the following questions:
1. Whether the diversity of group will lead to relational conflict and negatively influence group performance.
2. Whether group emotional intelligence can decrease the relational conflict and then positively influence performance.
3. Whether group emotional intelligence can contribute to accumulate social capital and then strengthen team performance.
In consequence, our study has empirically demonstrated that GEI could reduce the negative effect of relationship confluct, meanwhile increase positive effect of group identity on group effectiveness. The dimension of creating resource working with emotions and creating an affirmative environment are found to be two of most significant factors that attribute to this effect, and GEI can definetly contribute to accumulate social capital and strengthen team performance. This study finally suggested that organizations shall endeavor to assist team build positive attitude and move group memvers from striking together to working cooperatively.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討與理論建構 7
第一節 團隊多元性管理與團隊互動理論基礎 7
第二節 團隊衝突 13
第三節 團隊情緒智商 21
第四節 團隊社會資本 32
第五節 團隊績效 35
第三章 研究方法 39
第一節 研究架構與假設 39
第二節 抽樣與樣本收集 42
第三節 測量工具與操作型定義 43
第四節 統計分析方法 45
第四章 研究結果與討論 49
第一節 各研究變項的相關分析 49
第二節 團隊情緒智商與團隊績效之關係:關係衝突的中介模式 55
第三節 團隊社會資本的中介模式 61
第四節 團隊情緒智商的調節效果分析 67
第五章 結論與建議 69
第一節 研究結論 69
第二節 管理意涵與建議 72
第三節 後續研究建議 74
參考文獻 75
參考文獻 References
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