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博碩士論文 etd-0204109-163602 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0204109-163602
Malicious Web Page Detection Based on Anomaly Behavior
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drive-by download, malicious web page, anomaly behavior
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根據本研究長時間觀察,相較於正常網頁,惡意網頁常以像是網頁編碼、關鍵字拆解等不尋常行為來逃避防毒軟體的檢測;這使得惡意網頁和正常網頁兩者在行為面上會出現明顯的差異。因此,本研究乃提出名為Web Page Checker (WPC) 客戶端之惡意網頁檢測機制;WPC是基於異常行為追蹤與分析之方式,來偵測惡意網頁。根據本研究實驗結果,顯示我們所提出之方法可以有效辨別惡意網頁並及時警告網站瀏覽者,証實異常行為檢測可被視為一個新的惡意網頁檢測方法。
Because of the convenience of the Internet, we rely closely on the Internet to do information searching and sharing, forum discussion, and online services. However, most of the websites we visit are developed by people with limited security knowledge, and this condition results in many vulnerabilities in web applications. Unfortunately, hackers have successfully taken advantage of these vulnerabilities to inject malicious JavaScript into compromised web pages to trigger drive-by download attacks.
Based on our long time observation of malicious web pages, malicious web pages have unusual behavior for evading detection which makes malicious web pages different form normal ones. Therefore, we propose a client-side malicious web page detection mechanism named Web Page Checker (WPC) which is based on anomaly behavior tracing and analyzing to identify malicious web pages. The experimental results show that our method can identify malicious web pages and alarm the website visitors efficiently.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introductions 1
1.1Background 1
1.2 Motivation 4
Chapter 2 Related Works 6
2.1 Malicious Code Injection Mechanisms 6
2.1.1 Web Server Security 6
2.1.2 User Contributed Content 6
2.1.3 Advertisement 7
2.1.4 Third-Party Widgets 7
2.2 Malicious Code Obfuscation Techniques 8
2.2.1 Code Reordering 8
2.2.2 Junk Instruction Insertion 8
2.2.3 Equivalent Code Replacement 9
2.2.4 Code and Data Encapsulation 9
2.2.5 String Splitting 10
2.3 Malicious Code Detection Researches 11
2.3.1 Types of Injected Malicious Code 11
2.3.2 Related Research 13
2.3.3 Brief Conclusion 15
Chapter 3 The Proposed Approach 17
3.1 Introduction of Anomaly Behavior and Detection Approach 17
3.1.1 Deeper Depth 17
3.1.2 Web Page Encoding 18
3.1.3 Sensitive Keywords Splitting 19
3.1.4 Sensitive Keywords Encoding 20
3.1.5 Unreasonable Coding Styles 21
3.1.6 Redirection 22
3.2 Proposed System Architecture and System Flowchart 23
3.3 Detailed System Modules illustration 25
3.3.1 Web Page URL Extraction Module 26
3.3.2 Web Page Crawler Module 26
3.3.3 Behavior Extraction Module 26 Web Page Encoding Detection 26 Sensitive Keywords Splitting Detection 27 Sensitive Keywords Encoding Detection 28 Unreasonable Coding Styles Detection 29 Redirection Detection 30
3.4 MoBR Module 31
3.5 Anomaly Behavior Scoring Module 31
3.5.1 Predictor Variables of Behavior Scoring Formula 32
3.5.2 Weight Variables of Behavior Scoring Formula 32
3.5.3 Target Variable of Behavior Scoring Formula 33
Chapter 4 System Implementation and Experiment Design 38
4.1 System Implementation 38
4.2 Experiment Design 39
4.2.1 Samples Collection 39
4.2.2 Sampling and Experiment 40
4.3 Experiment Results 41
4.4 Comparisons 42
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 48
5.1 Conclusions 48
5.2 Future Work 49

參考文獻 References
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