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博碩士論文 etd-0210114-191748 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0210114-191748
Exploring Innovation Performance of Bureaucratic Organization from Perspectives of Leaders’ Political Skill and Innovation Behavior
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Bureaucracy, Individual Behavior, Political Skill, Innovation Performance, Public Sector Innovation
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5872 times, has been downloaded 74 times.
Organizational reform and organizational innovation nowadays have become a trend
not only in the public sectors but also in the private sectors. Yet, bureaucratic
structure and the principles of bureaucracy are still hardly preventable from any kind
of organizations. Therefore, this research aims at finding a balance between
bureaucracy and organizational innovation; hoping to develop a better and practicable
recommendation for today's organizations. The hypotheses in this research hence
proposed that individual innovation behavior of leaders would have positive effect on
innovation performance of bureaucratic organizations; and the ability of political skill
functions as moderator between leader innovation behavior and innovation
performance. The results prove that innovation behavior is significant and positively
related to innovation performance, product innovation performance and process
innovation performance. Additionally, the significant positive relationship between
political skill and innovation performance suggests that leaders’ political skill may
moderate the relationship between innovation behavior and innovation performance.
In this way, we can suggest that in order to compensate rigidity system of bureaucracy,
utilizing characteristics of leaders and their authorities may be a feasible way to drive
organizational reform and innovation.
目次 Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1
1.1 Research Background and Motive ..................................................... 1
1.2 Research Objective ............................................................................ 3
1.3 Research Procedure ........................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................ 6
2.1 Bureaucracy ....................................................................................... 6
2.2 Organizational Innovation ............................................................... 11
2.3 Innovation Performance .................................................................. 20
2.4 Individual Innovative Behavior ....................................................... 24
2.5 Political Skill ................................................................................... 26
CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY ......................................................... 32
3.1 Research Process ............................................................................. 32
3.2 Research Framework ....................................................................... 33
3.3 Research Hypotheses ....................................................................... 34
3.4 Operational Definition and Measurement of Variables .................. 36
3.5 Method of Data Collection and Analysis ........................................ 38
CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS ........................................ 41
4.1 Descriptive Statistics ....................................................................... 41
4.2 Reliability and Factor Analysis ....................................................... 44
4.3 Correlation Analysis ........................................................................ 46
4.4 Regression Analysis ........................................................................ 47
CHAPTER 5. DISCUSSION ................................................................. 54
5.1 Discussion ........................................................................................ 54
5.2 Managerial Implication .................................................................... 55
5.3 Limitations and Future Research Directions ................................... 56
REFERENCE .......................................................................................... 58
APPENDIX .............................................................................................. 64
Questionnaire ......................................................................................... 64
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