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博碩士論文 etd-0210117-171435 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0210117-171435
The relationship between meaningful work and employees’ voice behaviors: The moderating effect of transformational leadership
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promotive voice, meaningful work, social exchange theory, prohibitive voice, transformational leadership
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6060 times, has been downloaded 331 times.
In these recent years, business environments have increasingly changed at a rapid rate over the world. When organizations face such a dynamic business environment, solving problems not only depends on top managers’ decisions, but also employees’ voices. A study indicates that sometimes employees’ suggestions, ideas and information about problem in organization may concern with organization’s performance or even its survival. Based on social exchange theory, this study explores how meaningful work exerts influence on promotive and prohibitive voice; moreover, it will test if transformational leadership moderates this relationship.
This study collected data from 40 companies and 174 employees. Results show that perception of meaningful work is positively related to promotive voice and prohibitive voice; as employee’s perception of meaningfulness for work is lower, high transformational leadership does facilitate prohibitive voice behaviors. Practical implications are as follows: organizations should be devoted to enhancing employees’ psychological states of meaningfulness of work. In addition, supervisors should perform specific leadership style under different conditions.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
Figure iv
Table v
Introduction 1
Literature Review 3
Voice 3
Meaningful Work 9
Transformational Leadership 14
Relationship Between Meaningful Work and Voice 18
Transformational Leadership as a Moderator 20
Method 22
Result and Discussion 27
Conclusion 34
References 38
Appendix: Supervisor questionnaire 44
Appendix: Employee questionnaire 48
參考文獻 References
Chinese reference
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