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博碩士論文 etd-0212109-101341 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0212109-101341
An Group-Buying Message Distribution Rate Research in Mobile P2P Network Environment
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Distribution, C2C E-Commerce, P2P Network, Group-Buying, Mobile Commerce, Mobile P2P Network
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本研究提出在行動環境下之集體購物的系統架構,探討各階段消費者可能遇到的問題並提出輔助方法,讓這個環境內的行動裝置使用者更快速地找尋適合的集購資訊,使消費者擁有更多的購物資訊與制定較佳的購物決策。藉由Sensor Network結合MP2P網路的概念,快速的將欲散佈之集購訊息傳遞至賣場內各處,經由反覆實驗的觀察商場中的集購資訊散播率的變化,可以得知在某固定的商場中在哪些狀況之下可以有較佳的集購資訊散播率。
As the global wireless network becoming mature, the growing number of mobile devices, and the personal need of keeping in touch with others daily, mobile communication is becoming a necessity of life. Using mobile devices, such as cell phones or PDAs, everyone could communicate with each other independently; and this communication environment is similar with P2P network. Utilizing the connection network of cell phones is becoming a brand new business channel. Since group-buying is part of our daily life, people live in the same area could buy products or services together based on mutual needs, and this could enhance the bargaining power of customers and lower the purchase price.
This research proposes a group-buying system architecture under mobile environment, and discusses the problems that customers might encounter in every stage of the buying process. Mobile device users under the environment could exchange information with each other and this could help customers search group-buying information efficiently. Sensor Network combines with MP2P Network accelerates the spread of group-buying information in a marketplace, and helps the originator and other buyers to negotiate with the supplier.
Based on the observation of the variation of the group-buying information distribution in the experiment, we summarize under what situation a better information distribution would take place in a specific marketplace.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 4
第四節 問題描述 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 線上集體購物 7
一、 線上集體購物之定義 7
二、 線上集體購物之模式 8
三、 台灣線上集購網站現況 9
第二節 行動商務與普及商務 11
第三節 P2P(Peer-to-Peer)資訊傳遞技術 14
一、 混合式架構: 15
二、 分散式架構: 16
第四節 行動P2P (Mobile Peer-to-Peer) 資訊傳遞技術 17
一、 行動P2P資訊分享與應用平台架構 17
二、 iClouds Project 19
第三章 行動點對點網路環境下集體購物之系統架構 23
第一節 集體購物系統架構 23
第二節 系統特性 25
第三節 集體購物流程 25
第四節 激勵機制 27
第四章 實驗設計 30
第一節 模擬環境 30
第二節 實驗流程 30
第三節 系統假設與參數定義 31
一、 參數定義 33
二、 系統元件說明 36
第五章 實驗結果 38
第一節 實驗總表 38
第二節 有Bulletin Board環境之集購訊息散播率 41
第三節 無Bulletin Board環境之集購訊息散播率 51
第六章 結論 60
參考文獻 61
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