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博碩士論文 etd-0214107-155039 詳細資訊
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globalization, China, United States (US), Strategic relation, European Union (E.U.)
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因此探討影響中、美、歐盟三邊關係互動的因素、特點及其發展趨勢具有相當的理論意義。對於「中、美、歐盟」三邊戰略關係的研究是一種創新的嘗試,特別是用於分析後冷戰時期、全球化作用下的三邊關係。因為冷戰時期研究國際體系中的三邊戰略關係大多是運用羅德明(Lowell Dittmer)的「戰略三角理論」(Strategy Triangle Theory)。而本研究中則嘗試分析後冷戰時代,全球化作用下的大國關係,從「中、美、歐盟」三邊戰略互動中,理解這三個國際社會最重要行為體的戰略利益如何與另外兩方的戰略利益作協調?有助於理解在全球化的環境下,強權互動的內在驅力及外在壓力,以及強權互動對國際體系的影響。
本研究首先將由「點」(the corner)切入,分別分析三方各自在國際體系中的定位以及對其他兩方的戰略觀以及戰略規劃,以理解三方在後冷戰時期,全球化背景下的戰略邏輯及國際行為模式。其次再由三組雙邊關係的討論來檢視三邊關係(the sides)的結構。最後透過檢視中、美、歐盟三邊在21世紀重大國際議題的互動過程,來理解三方的戰略關係(the overall nature)。分析的議題包括同時對三方國際戰略及國家利益都產生重大影響及特別意義的事件,如「911事件」、「美國攻打伊拉克」、「取消對中國武器禁運」,來分析「恐怖主義」、「區域衝突」、「武器擴散」、「雙邊關係」等因素在三邊戰略互動中的重要性及作用。嘗試描繪出後冷戰時期、全球化背景下的大國政治邏輯及模式及其對國際體系的影響。
The end of cold war indicates the collapse of the bipolar system built by US and Soviet Union together. The international system at post-cold war era also has changed obviously following the trend of globalization, and international relation keeps varying and adjusting. First, global economy has accelerated towards globalization after releasing from the yokes of cold war. As a result, the interdependence of countries become closer and closer, the overall development and diversified trend of the word become more and more obvious. All these bring a strong influence on leading powers such as China, US and E. U, and consequently a significant adjustment on their strategies and relation. Based on geopolitics, these three parties own enormous economic, military and politic influence globally and also regionally, at the same time, China, US and E. U. all take a significant strategic role in America, Asia, and Europe respectively. Therefore, their interaction is an important foundation for observation of leading powers’ relation under globalization background at post-cold war era.
Therefore, the discussion on factors that affect relation of three parties, features and their development trend has quite significant meaning theoretically. It is also an innovative attempt in terms of study on the overall nature, especially at the post-cold war era and under the influence of globalization. For the cold war era, Lowell Dittmer’s Strategy Triangle Theory was most frequently used to discuss the strategic relation of three parties in the international system. This study, on the other hand, tires to analyze the relation of these leading powers at post-cold war era under globalization background. From their interaction, it tries to understand how one party coordinates its strategic interests with the other two parties as they are all the most important bodies in international society. It benefits the understanding of internal drives and external pressure under globalization, and also the influence of leading powers’ interaction on international system.
This study starts from the “corners”, that is, to analyze three parties’ positioning in the international system and based on one party’s strategy view to the other two parties and strategy planning, to understand these three parties’ strategy logistics and international behavior mode. Following that, it examines the structure of the “sides” from the bilateral relation of three parties. Finally, it tries to understand the “overall nature” of three parties based on an examination on the interaction of China, US and E.U. on significant international topics during the 21st century. Topics including events that have significant influence and special meaning on international strategies and national interests of three parties, such as the 911 event, US attack of Iraq, deregulation on shipping weapons to China, to find out the importance and influence of “terrorism”, “regional conflict”, “weapon expansion”, “bilateral relation” etc. factors on interaction of three-party strategy. All in all, the purpose of this study is to make out the leading powers’ political logistics and model under the globalization background at post-cold war era as well as its international influence.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 導論…………………………………………………………...1
第一節 研究的動機與目的………………………………………....1
第二節 文獻回顧及分析……………………………………………8
第三節 概念界定與理論架構……………………………………..15
第四節 研究途徑與研究方法……………………………………..34
第五節 研究範圍與研究限制……………………………………..39
第六節 研究架構…………………………………………………..41
第二章 全球化對國際體系的影響………………………………….44
第一節 國際體系變遷的視角…………………………………….44
第二節 國家權力與實力變遷的視角…………………………….56
第三節 國家主權變遷的視角…………………………………….64
第三章 全球化背景下中國的國際戰略…………………………….73
第一節 全球化背景下中國國際戰略的思考與規劃……………..73
第二節 全球化背景下中國對美國的戰略………………………..92
第三節 全球化背景下中國對歐盟的戰略……………………….110
第四章 全球化背景下美國的國際戰略…………………………….124
第一節 全球化背景下美國國際戰略的思考與規劃…………….124
第二節 全球化背景下美國對中國的戰略……………………….148
第三節 全球化背景下美國對歐盟的戰略……………………….171
第五章 全球化背景下歐盟的國際戰略………………………….....182
第一節 全球化背景下歐盟國際戰略的思考與規劃……………...182
第二節 全球化背景下歐盟對美國的戰略………………………...199
第三節 全球化背景下歐盟對中國的戰略………………………...209
第六章 中、美、歐盟三邊戰略關係的形成與發展……………….224
第一節 中、美戰略關係與歐盟因素……………………………….224
第二節 美、歐戰略關係與中國因素……………………………….249
第三節 歐、中戰略關係與美國因素……………………………….262
第七章 21世紀中、美、歐盟三邊戰略關係………………………277
第一節 911事件對三邊戰略關係之影響………………………….277
第二節 伊拉克戰爭對三邊戰略關係之影響…………………........287
第三節 取消對中國武器禁運對三邊戰略關係之影響……………303
第八章 結論…………………………………………………………..320
第一節 研究發現……………………………………………………320
第二節 研究結論與建議……………………………………………333

圖1-1 研究架構圖………………………………………………….43

表3-1 中國對美國戰略的四種類型………………………………105
表3-2 中國在1960年代與西歐國家的貿易情形………………..111
表3-3 中國在1970年代與西歐國家建立外交關係時程表……..115
表3-4 中國與歐共體成員國的雙邊經濟合作協定………………117
表3-5 中國對歐共體的進出口統計………………………………117
表4-1 美國三種全球戰略思維的比較……………………………129
表4-2 美國對中國戰略的三種思維………………………………151
表4-3 1996年台海危機之後美國官員訪問中國之情形…...........161
表5-1 歐盟(15國)與美國、中國經濟實力的比較……………….185
表5-2 歐盟亞洲新戰略……………………………………………211
表6-1 世界主要國家軍費支出比較………………………….. ….232
表6-2 世界主要國家GDP規模比較……………………………..232
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