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博碩士論文 etd-0217111-140820 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0217111-140820
Self-leadership: The act of leadership or the self?
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Self-leadership, Organizational Commitment, Charismatic leadership, Self-consciousness, Self-concept
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本研究以自我概念的觀點探討魅力領導、外在自我知覺與內在自我知覺、自我領導以及組織承諾之間的關係。自我概念的觀點認為,個人的自我是由個人自我、人際自我與群體自我組成,而這些自我又是員工與組織互動的介面(Schlenker, 1984)。Kelman (1998)的順從、認同與內化的三構面社會影響力模型正好說明了不同自我獲得的途徑,即順從中可獲得人際自我、認同中可獲得群體自我以及內化中可獲得個人自我。
Drawn on a self-concept theory, this study hypothesized that self-leadership partly mediated between charismatic leadership and organizational commitment and self-leadership fully mediated between private self-consciousness and organizational commitment. The results indicated that charismatic leadership and private self-consciousness were positively related to self-leadership. The predictive validity of private self-consciousness for self-leadership was greater than the one of charismatic leadership. Moreover, the influence of charismatic leadership on identification or internalization was partly mediated by self-leadership. The influence of private self-consciousness on identification was fully mediated by self-leadership. However, the effect of private self-consciousness on internalization was not transmitted by self-leadership. The surprising result was explained and interpreted as evidence for the distinction between internalization and identification. Finally, further research was encouraged to identify and assess alternative subordinate processes in relation to the activation of individual and collective identity by charismatic leaders.
目次 Table of Contents
Chinese abstract iii

English abstract iv

1 Introduction 1

2 Literature Review

2.1 A self-concept based theory of work motivation 4
2.2 Self-leadership 7
2.3 Charismatic leadership 9
2.4 Self-consciousness 11
2.5 Organizational commitment 13
2.6 Mediating roles of self-leadership 15

3 Methods

3.1 Research hypotheses 18
3.2 Sampling 20
3.3 Measures 21
3.4 Procedure 22
3.5 Analysis 23

4 Results 25

4.1 Confirmatory factor analyses
4.11 The measurement model of charismatic leadership 26
4.12 The measurement model of self-consciousness 27
4.13 The measurement model of self-leadership 28
4.14 The measurement model of organizational commitment 29
4.15 The overall measurement model 30
4.2 Predictors of self-leadership 31
4.3 The mediating roles of self-leadership 32
4.31 In the cases of charismatic leadership
4.311 Identification as the criterion 33
4.312 Internalization as the criterion 35
4.32 In the cases of self-consciousness
4.321 Identification as the criterion 36
4.322 Internalization as the criterion 38

5 Discussion 40

6 Conclusion 42


Appendix 1: Dimensions and items of research variables 46

Appendix 2: Permission obtained from scales’ authors 56
References 61

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