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博碩士論文 etd-0218105-113808 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0218105-113808
The Strategeiz Marketing Research Of National Sun Yat-sen University's EMBA Program
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curriculum design., Management Practice, Educational Marketing, EMBA program
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面對經營環境激烈的變動、科技快速的發展、加上企業國際化不可抗拒之潮流,使得每一位核心企業經理人倍感競爭的壓力和必須不斷自我充實的重要性,對此,國內目前有越來越多大學開設高階經營碩士班(Executive MBA program,簡稱EMBA)作為企業高階經理人再進修之管道,然而面對在職教育供過於求的情況下,企業人士如何依照自身需求選擇適合的學校與EMBA組別、各大學又如何在競爭者眾多的窘境下,依照其獨特資源發展具有差異化的定位,勢必成為各大學以及未來想就讀EMBA之企業人士所必須面臨的課題。
一、 目前國內各大學EMBA課程設計之定位仍有待強化,若欠缺獨特的定位,將難以提升就讀意願以及就讀後的滿意度。
二、 國內EMBA多強調理論與實務結合,並積極增強學生彼此的互動,但各校的做法欠缺差異化,若能發展更新穎的教學方法,才能在相同的課程內容中創造更好的學習效果。
三、 整體而言,上課時間、地點便利性、課程設計的國際化程度、教材的實務面分析、多元背景的學生組成、拓展人脈等六個因素都是學生選擇EMBA/IEMBA課程時的重要考量因素。
四、 近五成學生認為若中山大學之EMBA/IEMBA課程可以於台灣、大陸和新加坡三地同步上課,則在地點的安排上對他們是比較有彈性的。
五、 超過六成認為如果能依照他們的需求,在其他國家出差或進行公務時還能在當地大學進修EMBA/IEMBA課程(學分可被中山大學承認),則在時間配置上對他們是比較有利的。

六、 若中山大學EMBA/IEMBA班與大陸、新加坡等國家之大學設立「跨校上課,並取得雙學位」的制度,或以兩岸三地之台商為課程主題,提供更多實務上的課程內容,將可大幅提升學生之就讀意願。
七、 超過八成學生認為若能透過中山大學EMBA/IEMBA課程,認識不同國家之EMBA學員,將對他們產生助益。
八、 中山大學EMBA「亞太營運組」以及兩岸三地的EMBA北斗七星(七所學校)計畫之設計,確實與目前EMBA學生之課程需求相符。
Facing environmental violent changes, rapid technological development and irresistible trends towards to internationalization of enterprises, the management suffered from more competitive pressure which makes further study become an important issue. Accordingly, more and more EMBA programs are becoming the channels of further study for the top management of company. However, under the situation of over-supplied on-job education, it would be an critical issue how managers choose the courses which meets their needs and universities utilize their core competences to develop the differentiate position.
Therefore, the case study and questionnaires are addressed in the thesis. First, four cases of National Taiwan University, National Cheng-chi University, National Sun Yat-sen University, and National Taiwan University of Technology were explored to delicately compare each other on courses and programs. In perspective of educational marketing, effective marketing strategy was well planned based on the current resources of NSYSU. Then, the questionnaire was delivered to the students majoring in NSYSU EMBA/IEMBA programs to verify if the well-planned marketing strategy can promote their willing and satisfactions.
The research findings are shown as the followings,
The major findings of this study are summarized as following:
1. The domestic EMBA programs need a strategic positioning to driver a unique type of value to executive managers and to achieve competitive advantage.
2. The domestic EMBA programs need to combine the theory with practice and to advance interaction among students. If the domestic universities can develop much more teaching methods, they will create better learning effectiveness.
3. However, class time, location convenience, programs design internationalization degree, material with practice, students with varies background and establish human network relations are the six important factors for EMBA students to chose EMBA/IEMBA programs.
4. About 50% subjects think that the class location is more flexible to learning in Taiwan, China and Singapore at the same time.
5. Over 60% subjects think that the class time is more favorable for them if they can get the overseas universities’ EMBA/IEMBA programs according to their working locations. And the credits can be approved by NSYSU.
6. If the NSYSU EMBA/IEMBA programs can cooperate with China and Singapore to plan a 「Across the universities and get double master degree」system or to design much more practice materials about Taiwan, China and Singapore, they will increase students’ learning satisfaction.
7. Over 80% subjects think that it’s beneficial for them to meet EMBA students coming from diverse countries vie NSYSU EMBA/IEMBA programs.
8. All in all, the NSYSU Asia-Pacific EMBA and marketing strategy developed in this study indeed fit EMBA students’ needs.
目次 Table of Contents
第壹章 緒 論……………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機……………………………….……………….………1
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………...…...3
第三節 研究範圍………………………………….…………….….…...4
第貳章 文獻探討……………………………………..………….….…..5
第一節 非營利機構行銷相關文獻探討……………………..................5
第二節 教育行銷相關文獻探討………………………………………10
第三節 管理教育相關文獻探討………….…………….……………..18
第參章 研究設計………………………………………………………25
第一節 研究流程………………………………………..……………..25
第二節 研究步驟…………………………………..…………………..26
第三節 研究方法………………………………………………………27
第四節 問卷設計…..…………………………………………………..28
第肆章 我國大學EMBA課程設計內容……………………………..29
第一節 中山大學………………………………………..……………..29
第二節 台灣大學…………………………………..…………………..35
第三節 政治大學………………………………………………………44
第四節 台灣科技大學…………………………………………………53
第五節 綜合整理………………………………………………………61
第伍章 中山大學EMBA班之行銷策略發展………………………...64
第一節 中山大學EMBA發展現況…………………..……………….64
第二節 EMBA在職教育市場之SWOT分析………..…………….…68
第三節 EMBA在職教育市場之STP分析………………………..….71
第四節 EMBA在職教育市場之行銷策略發展…………………..…..75
第陸章 研究結果與發現………………………………………………83
第一節 樣本之選擇與分析……………....……………………………83
第二節 問卷統計結果…………………………………………………84
第柒章 結論與建議……………………………………………………92
第一節 研究啟示與建議…..…………………………………………..92
第二節 研究限制………………………..……………………………..94
第三節 未來研究建議…………………………………………………94
附錄一 參考文獻………………………………………………………95
附錄二 本研究問卷………………………………….……………….100
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