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Title page for etd-0218112-102414
How to retain talent and motivate individual performance through informal development network within organization?
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job performance, informal development network, density of network, intention to stay, In-degree centrality
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The study applied for a social network analysis tool and HLM method to analysis cross level dataset which will specify an integrated ‘meso’ framework of linking diversified relationships and employees’ attitudes and behavior within the work group settings. The effective sample size of this study collected by whole completed survey involved 317 employees within 26 different workgroups representing diversified industries in Taiwan. This study provided evidence that density of informal development network (informal network, advice network, and mentoring network) are related to both employees’ intention to stay and individual job performance. As hypothesized, both In-degree centrality of advice network was positively related to individual job performance. Perceived career success was positively related to in-degree centrality of advice network. In-degree centrality of friendship network was negatively related to intention to stay. Furthermore, Density of mentoring network will be positively related to intention to stay and individual job performance. Density of advice network was related negatively to individual job performance and density of friendship was related positively to individual job performance. The effect of in-degree centrality of advice network on individual job performance will be partially mediated by mediating variable - perceived career success as well as the effect of in-degree centrality of friendship network will be partially mediated by mediating variable - perceived career success.
目次 Table of Contents
LIST OF CONTENTS…………………………………..……………………..………
LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………. viii
1.1 Background of the Study 2
1.2 Motivation of the Research 4
1.3 Purposes of the Study 5
2.1 The Development of Social Network Analysis 10
2.2 Networks Structure: Closure and Structural Holes 16
2.3 Network Ties and Position 19
2.4 Informal Development Network within Organization 23
2.5 The Relations Context in Chinese Society 29
2.6 The comparative perspective of talents’ retention and development in the Chinese and Western Societies 31
2.7 Individual Job Performance 35
2.8 Intention to stay 36
2.9 Perceived Career Success 40
2.10 Conceptual Background and Hypotheses Building 40
3.1 Conceptual Research Framework 54
3.2 Sample and Data Collection 56
3.3 Instruments Development and Variables Measurement 57
3.4 Data Analysis Procedure and Statistical Methods 64
4.1 The Background of the Sample 72
4.2 Quantitative Data Analysis Methods and Results 73
5.1 Research Conclusions 89
5.2 Theoretical Contributions 90
5.3 Managerial Implications 91
5.4 Significance of the Study 92
5.5 Research Limitation 94
5.6 Future Research Directions 95
APPENDIX I: Sample Survey Questionnaire (in Chinese) 112
APPENDIX II: Name Code Synopsis (in Chinese) 115
APPENDIX III: Sample of followed up letter (in Chinese) 117
APPENDIX IV: Sample of followed up letter (in Chinese) 118
APPENDIX V: Questionnaires Items of Individual Level Variable (in English) 119
APPENDIX VI: Questionnaires Items of Network Variables (in English) 120
APPENDIX VII: Examples of the Graphic of Friendship Network 121

Table 2-1: Conceptualizations of Mentoring and Informal Developmental Network 25
Table 3-1: Eight Steps to Conducting a Social Network Analysis 66
Table 3-2: The Sample of Matrix Data 69
Table 3-3: Standardized Score of Degree Centrality 70
Table 4-1: Results of the Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Analysis Scale on the Variables 75
Table 4-2: Descriptive Statistics and Correlations for Individual-Level Variables 75
Table 4-3: Descriptive Statistics and Correlations for Group-Level Variables 76
Table 4-4: Hierarchical linear modeling results for direct effect and mediation test on indiviudal job performance … 80
Table 4-5: Hierarchical linear modeling results for direct effect and mediation test on intention to stay 84
Table 4-6: Hierarchical linear modeling results for direct effect of density of informal development network on individal job performance 86
Table 4-7: Hierarchical linear modeling results for direct effect of density of mentoriing network on intention to stay 86
Table 5-1: The results of Hypotheses Testing 89

Figure 2-1: The sociometric star 12
Figure 2-2: A Hawthorne sociogram 12
Figure 2-3: A sample of an Adjacency matrix 13
Figure 2-4: A sample of directed graph. 13
Figure 2-5: A sample of clique graph. 14
Figure 2-6: Samples of a Structural Bridge 19
Figure 2.7: Degree and Betweenness Centrality 21
Figure 2-8: Sample of a Closeness Centrality 22
Figure 2-9: The Steers and Mowday Model 38
Figure 2-10: The Causal Model of Turnover 39
Figure 3-1: Research framework in this study. 55
Figure 3-2: The Sample of Socio-gram 69
Figure 3-3: A sample graph of Network about degree centrality and Betweenness centrality 70
Figure A: Friendship Network of Consultant Group – C01B:Q1 121
Figure B: Friendship Network of Consultant Group – C01B:Q3 122
Figure C: Friendship Network of Consultant Group – C01B:Q& 123
Figure D: Friendship Network of the Sales Group:Q1 124
Figure E: Friendship Network of the Sales Group:Q3 125
Figure F: Friendship Network of the Sales Group:Q7 126
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