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博碩士論文 etd-0222111-165407 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0222111-165407
The analysis of strategies firms choose under the financial crisis-Evidence form stock exchange and OTC companies
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Advisory Committee
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normative force, mimetic force, institutional theory, responsive strategies, financial tsunami, coercive force
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5914 times, has been downloaded 1373 times.
In 2008-2009, firms in Taiwan encountered dramatic financial tsunami, and this crisis made unemployment rate still climbing and economic depression. In order to reduce the impact from financial tsunami, every firm chooses some strategies to resist it. The purpose of our study is to find out the influence from financial tsunami on the listed companies. More importantly, we base on the three mechanisms (mimetic force, normative force and coercive force) of institutional theory to analyze the real reason for choosing strategies.
We collect and analyze 201 returned questionnaires. The finding of this study is that the main factor of choosing strategies is from the mimetic force and normative force. In fact, the enterprise is affected by mimetic pressure deeply, and then it would tend to use the passive strategies. The enterprise is affected by normative pressure deeply, and then it would tend to use the active strategy. Interestingly, whether the enterprise is affected by coercive pressure or not, it doesn’t affect the strategies choosing.
目次 Table of Contents
Mandarin Abstract……………………………i
English Abstract……………………………ii
List of figures................................................iv
List of tables………………………………..v
Chapter 1 Introduction……………………......1
Chapter 2 Theoretical background……….....4
2.1 The Role of Strategy………………......4
2.2 Institutional Theory………….................5
2.3 Discussion of Institutional Theory……7
Chapter 3 Research framework and methodology……………………….10
3.1 Strategic ResponseArchitecture…………………………….............10
3.2 Hypothesis..........................................................................................19
3.3 Method...............................................................................................24
3.3.1 Data Collection........................................................................24
3.3.2 Variables..................................................................................24
Chapter 4 Results........................................................................................28
4.1 Findings.............................................................................................28
4.2 Discussion..........................................................................................36
Chapter 5 Conclusions................................................................................37
5.1 Contributions......................................................................................37
5.2 Future Directions................................................................................37
5.3 Limitations..........................................................................................38
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