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Title page for etd-0412104-095838
A comparison of variables affecting three kinds of environmental intention held by members of environmental groups in Taiwan
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integrated model, theory of planned behavior, moral obligation, response efficacy, collective efficacy, environmental behavior, civic action
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一般民眾較常採行的環保行動大都是「動手做環保」的環境行為,至於其它有關環保的說服、公民行動 (或稱政治行動,例如簽名連署、請願、遊說) 則明顯較少。然而相較於個人層次的環境行為,透過團體的力量來推動環境政策可能對環境會有更深遠而大幅的影響。鑑此,本研究以「簽名連署支持或反對與環保有關的政策」、「政策遊說」、「生態解說」這三類環境行為為研究的行為標的。由於一般人平時較難有機會單獨去完成這三種環境行為,而幾乎都是團體行動居多,因此本研究以210位環保團體的成員為調查對象,探討影響他們參與這些環境行為的因素。本研究以兩個模式來預測這些環境行為:第一個模式是Ajzen (1988, 1991) 的計劃行為論 (theory of planned behavior, TPB) ;第二個模式則是統整「社會心理學」、「環境教育」、「公共衛生」及「社會動員」等領域相關模式中的變項,提出一個整合環境行為模式 (以下簡稱整合模式) 。整合模式共包含8個變項,其中4個是屬於TPB裡的變項 (TPB中的主觀規範在本研究中分為「涉及家人的主觀規範」與「涉及社區成員的主觀規範」) ;另外4個變項分別是「環境道德感」、「環境態度」、「反應效能感」 和「集體效能感」。研究結果發現,TPB與整合模式對於這三項環境行為意向皆具有預測力 (R2 > .49) 。不過,在政策遊說行為意向上,整合模式的預測力並沒有優於TPB,而在簽名連署及生態解說的行為意向上,整合模式的預測力比TPB的預測力有微量的提升。最後,本文也針對研究結果提出相關建議以供環保或環教組織參考。
In Taiwan, the environmental protection actions that people usually take are "physical actions", such as picking up litter, sorting trash, installing household resource-conserving devices. Other kinds of actions—e.g., persuasive actions, civic action (such as signing for environmental causes, petitioning and lobbying) —are far less common. However, the latter actions, especially civic actions, are more effective than physical actions in pushing the government to adopt proenvironment policies and thus have more far-reaching impacts. This study thus focused on three civic and persuasive actions—signing for environmental causes, lobbying, and being an ecotourism interpreter. And since these actions are usually taken as a group action (people do so either because they are members of environmental groups or other NGOs, or because they join the actions of these organizations) , this study took environmental group members as its target population. A survey of intentions regarding the above three kinds of actions was made, with 210 environmental group members as respondents.
Two models were used to predict these behaviors. One was the theory of planned behavior (TPB) proposed by Ajzen (1988, 1991) , the other one was an integrated model based on theories from three disciplines—social psychology, environmental education, public health—and literatures of society mobilization. The integrated model contained 8 predictors, 4 of which were from the TPB (the subjective norm variable in the TPB was further split into 2 variables: subjective norm with respect to family members, subjective norm with respect to community members) . The other 4 variables were environmental moral obligation, environmental attitude, response efficacy and collective efficacy. Results showed that both the TPB and integrated models could predict all three kinds of environmental intention (R2 > .49 for each model and intention) . The integrated model, however, was not better than the TPB model in predicting the intention to lobby. And it was only a little better in predicting the intentions to sign and to be an interpreter. Implications of these results and suggestions for environmental groups and environmental education organizations were discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
第1章 緒論…............................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 研究背景 1-1
1.2 研究目的 1-4
1.3 文獻回顧 1-5
第2章 研究方法 2-1
2.1 本研究的環境行為整合模式 2-1
2.2 資料蒐集方法 2-2
2.3 預試階段的問卷設計 2-4
2.4 預試結果 2-6
2.5 正式問卷 2-9
2.6 研究假設 2-14
2.7 問卷的發放 2-14
2.8 統計分析方法 2-15
第3章 研究結果 3-1
3.1 問卷回收與基本資料 3-1
3.2 敘述統計及信度分析 3-3
3.3 相關分析 3-11
3.4 迴歸分析 3-15
3.5 多變量變異數分析 3-21
第4章 討論與建議 4-1
4.1 研究假設成立與否及原因 4-1
4.2 變項的平均數所呈現的意義與討論 4-3
4.3 變項的顯著與否在學理與實務上的寓意 4-8
4.4 研究限制與後續研究建議 4-15
參考文獻...................................................................................................... R - 1
參考文獻 References
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