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論文名稱 Title |
政府網站親和性設計應用原則之研究-以某縣市政府網站為例 Innovative Applications of Government Website Affinity Design: A Case Study of a County Government Platform |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
116 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2016-05-27 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2016-07-14 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
網站績效檢核指標、前瞻性設計、網站創新應用、電子化政府、網站親和性設計 Network affinity design, Innovative applications of websites, Website performance assessment indicators, User-friendliness of Interface, E-Government |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5981 次,被下載 92 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5981 times, has been downloaded 92 times. |
中文摘要 |
近年來,世界各國政府莫不大力推動電子化政府,推動各機關成為一個可以立即傳達訊息、雙向溝通意見、分享經驗及知識的網絡系統,且隨著資訊通信科技(ICTs)的快速發展,以及多元化各種行動裝置,民眾上網普及率也快速提升,促使民眾對政府數位化服務有更多期待,政府也努力強化網路數位虛擬門市整體服務的廣度及深度,先進國家再推動政府改造過程中,網路數位化服務也躍升國家競爭力的策略之一。 過去幾年國家發展委員會制定網站評比機制,每年針對我國政府機關網站進行評比,並予以協助機關改善網站缺失,個案舊版網站雖達基本服務水準,但因傳統被動的前端網頁版面功能及缺乏創新性,已經無法符合因應行動上網服務使用者大幅增加之需求,如何強化網站親和性,創造具親民友善的政府機關網站更成為相當重要的一個環節。 本研究將運用設計科學研究法,針對 (1)網站介面複雜不友善;(2) 無法快速找到所需資料;(3) 欠缺雙向互動分享機制之問題進行改善,首先以網站營運績效檢核指標及英國政府數位服務十大設計原則、網站親和性設計六大原則為理論基礎,再搭配國內外前瞻性標竿網站分析研究,提列優化網站親和性設計改善方法並發展出資訊科技解決方案並描繪產出實作,作為網站服務品質提升之改善依據,最後以政府網站即時檢核系統工具進行實測其新網站改版後就網站介面、網站服務、E參與程度(Web 2.0社群服務)等上述問題改善情況,並進一步發展網站前瞻性設計及服務,結果顯示新版在各項指標表現皆明顯優於舊版之得分達99分且搜尋排名及能見度躍升近50%,大幅提升使用者滿意度和服務能量,所有數據顯示新版網站提供之內容及服務較符合使用者期待也較友善,另外,導入一站式維護方式,不僅降低網站管理者負擔,也發揮政府網站的最大服務效能。 藉由本研究所規畫發展之跨平台資訊科技整合型解決方案,可提供學術領域了解在推動電子化政府服務創新之推導過程,了解業界的實作經驗,另外,本研究以網站營運績效檢核指標搭配國內外前瞻性標竿網站分析,明確定義介面設計與使用者經驗的關係,本研究之結果可作為日後網站親和性設計學術研究之基礎。再者,新解決方案推導過程,未來可讓其他政府機關在面臨同樣問題時,提供一種適當的解決方案之參考。 |
Abstract |
In recent years, governments around the world have actively promoted e-government and its agencies into a network system that offers instant messaging, two-way communication, experience and knowledge sharing. With the rapid development of information communication technologies (ICTs), as well as a diversity of mobile devices, the Internet penetration rate has also risen quickly, thus the public’s greater expectations for the breadth and depth of government websites. Therefore, strengthening the overall services of virtual stores on the Internet has been one of the strategies for advanced countries to promote reform and improve national competitiveness. Over the past few years, the National Development Council has set up a website appraisal mechanism. Every year, appraisal is conducted targeting Taiwan’s government agency websites, and assistance is offered to the agencies to improve website deficiencies. Although the existing version of the study case’s website is in line with the basic service standard, due to the conventional passive front-end webpage layout functions and the lack of innovation, it can no longer cater to the needs of mobile network service users that have increased substantially. Therefore, how to strengthen the website affinity design and create a people-friendly government website has become a very important subject. The scientific method was adopted in this study to carry out improvement on the following problems: (1) a complex and unfriendly website interface; (2) unable to quickly find required information; (3) the lack of a two-way interactive sharing mechanism. First, the website performance assessment indicators, the British government’s ten design principles of digital services, and six principles of website affinity design were adopted as the theoretical bases. Complemented by domestic and foreign prospective analysis benchmark website analysis studies, improvement methods for optimizing website affinity design were listed, and information technology solutions were developed to depict output implementation, which serves as a basis for improving website service quality. Finally, government website real-time inspection system tools were adopted to test the website interface, website services, E-participation level (Web 2.0 community services), and improvement situations of the above problems after the recent website revision. Additionally, forward-looking design and services were further developed. Results show that the performance of the new version is significantly superior to the existing version’s score in the respective indicators, reaching 99 and a leap in ranking and visibility by nearly 50%, while substantially enhancing user satisfaction and service momentum. All the data indicates that the contents and services provided by the new version of the website are more in line with user expectations and are more user friendly. In addition, the one-stop maintenance approach has been introduced not only to lessen the website manager’s burden but also to maximize the service efficiency of the government website. The cross-platform information technology integration and solution planning and development in this study can help the academic field in gaining an insight into the process of e-government service innovation importation and the actual experience of the industry. In addition, this study adopted website performance assessment indicators, coupled with domestic and foreign forward-looking benchmark websites for analysis, clearly defining the relationship between the interface design and user experience. The research results shall serve as a basis for future academic research on website affinity design. Furthermore, the new solution induction process shall serve as a reference, an appropriate solution, for other government agencies faced with the same problem. |
目次 Table of Contents |
誌 謝---------------------------------------ii 摘 要--------------------------------------iii Abstract--------------------------------------v 圖目錄----------------------------------------x 表目錄--------------------------------------xii 第一章 緒論----------------------------------1 第一節 研究背景與動機------------------------1 第二節 研究目的與範圍------------------------3 第三節 研究限制------------------------------5 第二章 文獻探討------------------------------6 第一節 政府網站營運績效檢核計畫--------------6 第二節 Gov.uk網站十大設計原則---------------13 第三節 網站親和性設計六大原則---------------16 第四節 響應式設計---------------------------18 第五節 Web2.0導入與應用---------------------20 第三章 研究方法-----------------------------26 第一節 設計科學研究法-----------------------26 第二節 研究步驟-----------------------------29 第四章 設計與發展解決方案-------------------31 第一節 國內外標竿網站分析探討---------------31 第二節 網站親和性設計改善方法---------------43 第三節 政府網站即時檢核系統-----------------46 第五章 展示與評估---------------------------51 第一節 個案簡介-----------------------------51 第二節 新版網站規劃依據---------------------52 第三節 新版全球資訊網整體規劃---------------56 第四節 成果展示與評估-----------------------62 第六章 結論---------------------------------85 第一節 摘要成果-----------------------------86 第二節 研究貢獻-----------------------------88 第三節 未來研究方向及建議-------------------90 參考文獻-------------------------------------91 附錄一 Web2.0互動深度指標配分說明------------93 附錄二 政府機關網站親和性設計六大原則六大及細項指標對應表--94 附錄三 十三條規範檢核表----------------------99 附錄四 國外政府機關網站導入Web 2.0案例彙整--103 |
參考文獻 References |
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