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博碩士論文 etd-0508108-152156 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0508108-152156
The Relationship of Job Characteristics, Creative Self Efficacy, and Creativity
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creativity, creative self efficacy, job characteristics
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This study examined the relationship between job characteristics and creativity and also examined whether creative self efficacy moderates this relationship. Results demonstrated that job characteristics and its subscales (skill variety and autonomy) made significant contribution to creativity. Different from original hypotheses, other three job characteristics subscales (task identity, task significance, and feedback) were not found significantly related to participants’ creativity and the hypothesized moderating effect of creative self efficacy on the relationship between job characteristics and creativity was not found. Implications about the findings and suggestions about further researches are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction 6
Research Background 6
Research Motivation 7
Research Objective 9

Chapter Two: Literature Review 10
Job Characteristics 10
Creativity 15
Relationship between Job Characteristics and Creativity 22
Creativity Self Efficacy 25

Chapter Three: Research Methodology 30
Research Framework 30
Construct Measurement 30
Hypotheses to be tested 32
Sampling Plan 32
Data Analysis Procedure 33

Chapter Four: Results 35
Respondent Profiles 35
Reliability Analysis 37
Pearson Correlation Analysis 38
Hierarchical Regression Analysis 39
T-test 41

Chapter five: Discussion 42
Research Findings and Implications 42
Limitations 45

References 46
Appendix I: Questionnaire 54
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