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博碩士論文 etd-0512117-152324 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0512117-152324
Entrepreneurial Learning in Micro Food & Beverage industry
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Learning behavior, Entrepreneurial learning, narrative inquiry, Food and Beverage industry, Qualitative research.
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一、 微型餐飲業者經歷創業兩階段:「草創階段」與「穩定階段」
二、 兩階段展現「選擇學習」、「深入學習」、「互動學習」、「經驗反思」、「轉移經驗」五種學習行為。微型餐飲業者透過學習行為強化個人創業經驗,並且形成個人的實作理論與工作軌跡。
三、 微型餐飲業者有三個創業學習特性:第一個是透過現場實作來獲得創業能力;第二個特性是,微型餐飲業者在與客人互動學習下,擁有緊密連結;第三個則是微型餐飲業者透過經驗的反思,將模糊的經驗轉換成創業知識,而這樣的知識並非一般性的專業知識,而是微型餐飲業者擁有的一套經營理論。
There are many Food and Beverage industry in Taiwan. However, the studies of Food and Beverage industry is not very common. This study analyzes three stories of entrepreneurship in Food and Beverage industry by narrative inquiry and focus on learning behaviors of entrepreneurs to investigate entrepreneurial learning in Food and Beverage industry. The study discusses “What is learning behaviors of entrepreneurs in Food and Beverage industry?”, “How to generate learning behaviors?” and “What characteristics are on learning behaviors?” through interview, write the stories, analyze and generalize the events.
There are three conclusions in the study. First, the entrepreneur experience two stages in Food and Beverage industry when they start their own business. Two stages are “Pioneering Stage” and “Stability Stage”. Second, the entrepreneur shows five learning behaviors in two stages. Five learning behaviors are “Learn selectively”, “Learn deeply”, “interactive learning”, “reflect on experience” and “Transfer experience”. The entrepreneur strengthens their entrepreneurial experience by learning behaviors and establish a practical theory and work track. Third, the entrepreneur has three characteristics in entrepreneurial learning. The first characteristic is the entrepreneur obtains entrepreneurial abilities by practice. The second is there are close relations between the entrepreneur and the customer when the entrepreneur learn in interactive with customers. The third is the entrepreneur transfers the fuzzy experience to the entrepreneurial knowledge through reflecting their experience. Nevertheless, the knowledge is the operating theory that the entrepreneur generates rather than professional knowledge.
目次 Table of Contents
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
表次 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 微型餐飲的定義與範圍 4
第二節 創業學習 6
第三章 研究方法 10
第一節 敘說探究法 10
第二節 研究歷程 12
第四章 微型餐飲業者的個案故事 25
第一節 小福的創業故事 25
第二節 小木的創業故事 32
第三節 小豆的創業故事 35
第五章 個案故事分析 41
第一節 微型餐飲業者的創業兩階段--「草創階段」與「穩定階段」 41
第二節 微型餐飲業者的學習行為 48
第三節 微型餐飲業者創業學習的特性 56
第六章 研究結論 62
第一節 研究結論 62
第二節 管理意涵與研究限制 66
第三節 研究反思 67
參考文獻 69
附錄一 受訪者的創業事件 73
一、 A店—小福 73
一、 B店—小木 78
二、 C店—小豆 82
參考文獻 References
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