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博碩士論文 etd-0513113-005649 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0513113-005649
Management Strategy of Women Hospital in Taiwan- A Case Study of Lucina Women and Children Hospital
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Date of Exam
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the model of the best practice, Lucina women and Children hospital, management strategy, Taiwan Gynecology and obstetrics, medical service web
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摘 要
世界科技,經濟日益進步,但在已開發國家中,全世界生育率圴在下降。台灣生育率在也20年的統計也在下降,二十年間,育齡婦女總生育率一維持在 2.0 以下,並且呈現逐年下降趨勢。甚至2003 統計,顯示,總生育率已下降至1.2,在亞洲只高於香港和澳門的 0.9。


醫病關係日益惡化。醫療糾紛風險高,檢察機關委託鑑定之醫療糾紛案件數迅速攀升。婦產科占醫糾鑑定案15%,其中刑事告訴案佔 80%。以專科執業醫師數計算,平均每名醫師醫療糾紛件數為 0.18 件,婦產科醫師為 0.51 件,為平均之 2.8倍。
The growth of scientific technology and world economy progress prosperously. On the contrary, in the developed countries, the fertility rate regresses universally. In recently 20 yrs, the fertility rate of Taiwan is also decreasing, too. Twenty yrs ago, the fertility rate of Taiwan people was 2.0 and the trend was going lower and lower. In 2003, it was reported the total fertility rate in Taiwan decreased to 1.2, just a little higher than that of Hong Kang and Macau, 0.9.
In Taiwan, the government health care insurance is the major source of the income of the medical care providers. But due to budget of the government, the health care payment is getting lower. Since there is no extra-payment for the four major subjects of internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, obstetrics, and pediatrics, it blocks the inflow of the man power into these subjects. Medical human resources become worse and worse under this circumstances.
Medical relationship between doctors and patients is also going down. Risk of legal problem among these subjects of medical providers stays high and increases at high speed in these years. Medical dispute of gynecology and obstetrics is about 15% of all. Among them, 80% is criminal action. The average ratio of medical dispute is around 0.18 to every doctor, but 0.51 to gynecological and obstetric doctors. It means that there is 2.8 fold of medical dispute especially to gynecological and obstetric doctor.
Long working hours, less payment, short of human power and high risk of medical dispute make the gynecology and obstetrics a sunset industry.
The Lucina women and children hospital upgrades the traditional thinking of the medical providers, focus on medical care and also on patient human care. With focusing on medical profession and scientific management, education of human resource, supply chain management, marketing economy, marketing management, we strengthened the hard ware of our equipment, also improved our professional medical care, with our considerable service and outstanding soft power, put ourselves at the top of this profession.
Based on the performance of the Lucina women and children hospital, We tried to organize it into a model of the best practice. In the near future, firstly, we will organized the horizontal integration with merging the gynecological and obstetric clinics in Kaohsiung to maximize the numbers of the patients and increase the ability of price negotiation with our supply chains, and next step forward to vertical the integration with other medical clinics to organize an ideal professional medical service web. Finally, based on the medical service web, I will multiply the model to mainland China and also fulfill the social responsibility to feedback to the society.

Key word: management strategy, medical service web, Lucina women and Children hospital, Taiwan Gynecology and obstetrics, the model of the best practice
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與目的:產業概況與市場趨勢 1
第二章 產業介紹 7
第一節 四季台安婦幼醫院的醫院願景、服務區域角色與貢獻 7
第二節 四季台安婦幼醫院在健保體制下婦產科的經營空間 9
第三章 個案分析 11
第一節 四季台安婦幼醫院的策略要素分析SWOT分析-挑戰與問題 11
第二節 四季台安婦幼醫院的市場區隔與目標市場 13
第三節 四季台安婦幼醫院的市場定位、產品經營策略與行銷組合方案 15
第四節 四季台安婦幼醫院的市場管理經濟 18
第五節 四季台安婦幼醫院的產品經營策略 23
第六節 四季台安婦產科醫院的人才資料庫管理 29
第七節 四季台安婦產科醫院的衛材藥物供應鏈的管理 34
第八節 四季台安婦產科醫院的資訊系統及企業資源計畫之運用 35
第四章 未來展望計劃 52
第五章 結論與建議 54
參考文獻 56

圖 次
圖1-1 世界2003年各國主要國家總生育率 2
圖1-2 歷年粗出生率、粗死亡率及自然增加率 3
圖1-3 專科醫師平均執業年齡 4
圖1-4 粗出生率及女性首次生產平均年齡 5
圖2-1 四季台安婦幼醫院的服務區 7
圖2-2 四季台安婦幼醫院周邊同質型醫院 8
圖2-3 四季台安婦幼醫院各區服務病患數 8
圖3-1四季台安婦幼醫院的策略要素分析SWOT分析 12
圖3-2四季台安婦幼醫院logo 16
圖3-3 四季台安婦幼醫院產品生命周期各階段特徵與策略 23
圖3-4 四季台安婦幼醫院波特五力分析理論 25
圖3-5 四季台安婦幼醫院組織架構 29
圖3-6 四季台安婦幼醫院門診候診管理系統 37
圖3-7 四季台安婦幼醫院門診病人追蹤管理系統 37
圖3-8 四季台安婦幼醫院住院病人及住院病房管理系統的電腦化列出清單 38
圖3-9 四季台安婦幼醫院醫療資訊權限管理流程圖 41
圖3-10 四季台安婦幼醫院手術病人追蹤管理統計系統 42
圖3-11 四季台安婦幼醫院手術病人麻醉管理統計系統 42
圖3-12 四季台安婦幼醫院庫存系統主畫面 44
圖3-13 四季台安婦幼醫院採購進貨主畫面 44
圖3-14 當現有存量低於請購點時會依”經濟採購量”自動產生採購單 44
圖3-15 電腦列印之請購建議表 45
圖3-16 請購單轉採購單後,依廠商別之電腦列印之採購單 45
圖3-17 藥品用量表 46
圖3-18 藥品盤點表 46

表 次
表1-1 歷年台灣地區總生育 1
表1-2 台灣育齡婦女生育率 2
參考文獻 References
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