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博碩士論文 etd-0516117-203844 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0516117-203844
The Relationship between Self-Monitoring and Moral Disengagement:The Mediating Effect of Moral Ideology
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Self-Monitoring, Relativism, Idealism, Moral Disengagement, Moral Ideology
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近年來企業醜聞、弊端不斷發生,不僅影響企業聲望更造成社會動盪。使得組織中不道德行為研究變得更加重要。Bandura (1986)所提出之道德疏離(Moral Disengagement) 則是探討不道德行為領域較重要之理論,探討個體對於從事不道德行為之心理機制。而過去研究亦顯示,個人特質的差異可作為預測不道德行為之變項。因此,本研究提出員工自我監控愈高可能導致道德疏離的發生。另外,研究亦進一步以員工道德意識作為中介變項,探討其在員工自我意識傾向與道德疏離之間的中介效果。 本研究使用問卷調查法搜集233份有效來自組織中員工之資料,並以階層迴歸分析進行假設檢定,結果顯示:員工自我監控傾向與道德疏離呈正向關係;員工自我監控傾向與道德意識呈負向關係;員工道德意識與道德疏離成負向關係;此外,理想主義會對於自我監控以及道德疏離、自我監控以及責任推託之關係產生中介效果。最後本研究亦針對研究結果之理論貢獻、管理意涵加以討論並提供未來研究之方向。
Nowadays, the scandal of business happens more frequently than before, which causes negative image and the chaotic in the society and makes the study of unethical behaviors became even more vital. Moral disengagement is a theory in the field of unethical behaviors investigates the mechanism that individual rationize their immoral behaviors. Previous study also showed personality traits can be one of the predictor predict the unethical behaviors. Hence, the present study suggests that self-monitoring might positively related to moral disengagement. In addition, the study examines whether there is mediating effect between self-monitoring and moral disengagement when moral ideology is viewed as mediator.
In the end, 233 valid questionnaires are received from the employee within organizations. The result of hierarchical analysis showed that self-monitoring is positively related to moral disengagement; moral ideology is negatively related to moral disengagement; moral ideology is negatively related to moral disengagement. On the other hand, idealism will have the mediating effect in the relationship between self-monitoring and moral disengagement, and the relationship between self-monitoring and displacement of responsibility. Theoretical contributions and managerial are discussed for manager’s reference in the end of study.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Research Background 1
Problem Statement 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
Self-Monitoring 5
Moral Disengagement 9
Ethical Ideology 14
Self-Monitoring and Moral Disengagement 17
Self-Monitoring and Moral Ideology 17
Moral Ideology and Moral Disengagement 18
The Mediating Effect of Moral Ideology 19
Chapter 3 Method 21
Study Framework 21
Hypotheses 22
Subjects 24
Measurements 24
Data Analysis 27
Chapter 4 Results 30
Descriptive Analysis 30
Reliability and Validity Analysis 32
Pearson Correlation Analysis 36
Regression Analysis 38
Hierarchical Regression Analysis 46
Results of Hypotheses Testing 50
Chapter 5 Conclusion 52
Theoretical Contributions 52
Managerial Implication 54
Limitations and Future Research 56
References 57
Appendix 63

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement 13
Figure 3.1 Study Framework 21

List of Tables
Table 2.1 The Comparison between High and Low Self-Monitors 7
Table 4.1 Descriptive Analysis 31
Table 4.2 Factor Analysis and Reliability of Self-Monitoring 32
Table 4.3 Factor Analysis and Reliability of Ethical Ideology 33
Table 4.4 Factor Analysis and Reliability of Moral Disengagement 35
Table 4.5 Mean, Standard Deviation and Pearson Correlation Analysis 37
Table 4.6 Result of Regression between Self-Monitoring and Moral Justification 39
Table 4.7 Result of Regression between Self-Monitoring and Idealism 40
Table 4.8 Result of Regression between Idealism and Moral Justification 41
Table 4.9 Result of Regression between Self-Monitoring and Relativism 42
Table 4.10 Result of Regression between Relativism and Moral Disengagement 43
Table 4.11 Result of Regression between Relativism and Moral Justification 44
Table 4.12 Result of Regression between Relativism and Displacement of Responsibility 45
Table 4.13 Result of Hierarchical Regression Analysis- Idealism as Mediator between Self-Monitoring and Moral Disengagement 47
Table 4.14 Result of Hierarchical Regression Analysis- Idealism as Mediator between Self-Monitoring and Displacement of Responsibility 49
Table 4.14 Summarized Results of Hypotheses 50
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