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博碩士論文 etd-0517115-105434 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0517115-105434
The Implementation of Fast Track Program: Organizational knowledge activities, Career Satisfaction and Perceived Collaborative Climate Study
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Career satisfaction, Fast track program, Perceived collaborative climate, Organizational knowledge activities
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Nowadays, many firms use fast track program to develop young and talented managers to gain the human capital for future and adoption for changes. However, there are high turnovers and several skepticisms in fast track program, and they become a challenge for organization. Therefore, study attempted to examine whether organizational knowledge activities in fast track program plays the role in affecting career satisfaction of high potentials, detecting the procedures of organizational knowledge activities that is given in fast track program.
The purpose of this study is to examine the main effect of organizational knowledge activities on career satisfaction, and the moderating effect of perceived collaborative climate from social support perspective. Regression analysis was used to examine the hypotheses in a sample of 107 high potentials in fast track programs. The results suggest that organizational knowledge activities positive related to career satisfaction and when high potentials perceive collaborative climate from immediate supervisors and coworkers in cross-departments, fast trackers are more satisfied with their career in fast track program through organizational knowledge activities. The findings may help organizations to implement fast track program in future.
目次 Table of Contents
Chinese abstract………………………………………………………………….iii
English abstract…………………………………………………………………..iv
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………….1
2. Literature review……………………………………………………………….6
2.1. Fast track programs……………………………………………………...…6
2.2. Organizational knowledge activities………………………………………12
2.3. Career satisfaction………………………………………………………….18
2.4. Career satisfaction and Knowledge activities……….…………………..20
2.5. Perception of collaborative climate……………………………………….23
3. Research method……………………………………………………….........28
3.1. Data collection and Sample………………………………………………28
3.2. Measures………………………………………………………………… ..30
4. Results………………………………………………………………………… 34
5. Discussion...………………………………………………………………......39
5.1. Discussion and Conclusion……………………….……………………...39
5.2. Managerial Application………………………………………………… ...42
5.3. Research Limitation……………………………………………………….44
5.4. Suggestion for Future Research…………………………………………45
Appendix: Questionnaire………………………………………………………...55

Content of Figure
Figure1: Hypothesized process linking Organizational knowledge activities to Career Satisfaction and moderator of Perception Collaborative Climate…….....................................................30
Figure2: Effect of Interaction between Organizational knowledge activities and Collaborative Climate from Immediate Supervisors on Career Satisfaction........................................................36
Figure3: Effect of Interaction between Organizational knowledge activities and Collaborative Climate from Employee Attitude on Career Satisfaction…..…......................................................37

Content of Table
Table 1: Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations…………….……….38
Table 2: Results of Regression Analyses of Main Effect…….………………38
Table3: Results of Regression Analyses of Moderating Effect……………...39
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