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Explore the relationship among knowledge workers’management strategies, core competencies and work performance—take the employees of Customer Service Department in some Telecom as an example
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the knowledge workers' management strategies, work performance, knowledge worker, core competencies
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管理大師彼得杜拉克Drucker(1999)指出:二十一世紀的組織,最有價值的資產是組織內的知識工作者(knowledge worker)以及知識工作者的生產力。Koch(1998)指出運用「80/20原則」,找出核心客戶,將資源與服務投入在這些能創造大部分利潤的少數大客戶身上,培養長期的策略關係,才是提昇利潤的有效之道,而非不停的找尋新客戶。電信產業在台灣的經濟發展中扮演極重要的角色,如何在競爭的環境中留住大客戶,實是個案公司必須重視的課題。顧客忠誠度的成本優勢來自人的因素,及來自顧客與員工長期相互交流的結果,優秀的人力資源投入更是決定企業是否具備競爭優勢的主要指標,企客人員是個案公司接近企業客戶的第一線代表,對外代表公司,其素質之良窳及在工作的表現好壞,對企業之重要性不言而喻。
Peter Drucker (1999), a management master, points out that in the organizations of the 21st century, the most valuable assets of an organization are knowledge workers and the productivity of knowledge workers. Koch (1998) points out that exerting “80/20 Principle” to find out core customers, investing resource and service on those rare mass-customers who can create most profits, and cultivating the relationship of long-term strategies are the effective ways to increase profits instead of continuously looking for new customers. Telecom industry plays a very important role in the development of Taiwan economy. It is really a crucial issue for this case corporation to focus on how to keep mass-customers in the competitive environment. The cost strengths of customer loyalty come from the factors of men and the outcomes of the long-term mutual interaction between customers and employees. The input of outstanding human resource is the main indicator deciding whether an enterprise possesses competitive strengths or not. The employees serving enterprise customers are the front-line representatives of this case corporation approaching enterprise customers. Outwardly, these employees represent their company, and it goes without saying that the quality and work performance of the employees are very important to the enterprise.
The subject of the research is the present knowledge workers serving in the department of enterprise customers in this case corporation. Through the theories and concepts of literature review, the research uses individual attributes and knowledge workers’ management strategies as the independent variables and core competencies as the intermediary variables to explore the relationship among individual attributes, knowledge workers’ management strategies, core competencies and work performance. Among the totally mailed 603 questionnaires, there are 412 effective and available, and the effective return rate of questionnaires is 68.33%. After factor analysis, credibility analysis, variance analysis, correlation analysis and multi-regression analysis, here is the result of the research:
1. There is a positive significance among the research variables of the knowledge workers’ management strategies, the degree of the possession of core competencies and work performance.
2. There is a positive significance between the knowledge workers’ management strategies and the degree of the possession of core competencies: for example, “team encouragement” has the positive effect on “interpersonal competency,” “attitude competency,” and “profession competency,” and “company learning commitment” has the effect on “profession competency.”
3. There is a positive significance between the degree of the possession of core competencies and work performance: for example, “interpersonal competency” and “profession competency” significantly have the positive effect on “task performance,” and “interpersonal competency,” “attitude competency” and “profession competency” all significantly have the positive effect on “contextual performance.”
4. There is a positive significance between the knowledge workers’ management strategies and work performance: for example, “knowledge leadership” and “company learning commitment” significantly have the positive effect on “task performance,” and “knowledge leadership” and “team encouragement” significantly have the positive effect on “contextual performance.”
5. The knowledge workers’ management strategies have an influence on work performance through the intermediary variables, core competencies: for example, “company learning commitment” indirectly influences “task performance” through the intermediary variables “profession competency” and “team encouragement” indirectly influence “contextual performance” through the intermediary variables “interpersonal competency,” “attitude competency” and “profession competency.”
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 知識工作者 8
第二節 核心才能 20
第三節 工作績效 34
第四節 知識工作者管理策略、核心才能與工作績效之關係 40
第五節 個案公司簡介 44
第三章 研究方法 47
第一節 觀念性研究架構及研究假設 47
第二節 研究工具 48
第三節 資料蒐集方法與樣本特性分析 59
第四節 資料分析方法 63
第五節 修正後之研究架構 65
第六節 修正後研究變項與操作性定義 66
第四章 實證分析與討論 68
第一節 各研究變項之描述性統計分析 68
第二節 個人屬性在各研究變項上之差異分析 70
第三節 各研究變項間相關性之分析 90
第四節 各研究變項之影響性分析 95
第五節 核心才能具備程度之中介效果分析與探討 105
第五章 結論與建議 108
第一節 研究結果 108
第二節 研究發現與建議 114
第三節 研究限制及對後續研究之建議 118
參考文獻 120
一、中文部份 120
二、英文部份 123
參考文獻 References
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