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博碩士論文 etd-0525114-114143 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0525114-114143
Organizational Culture in Hair Salon Industry in Kaohsiung
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Organizational Culture, Institutional Theory, The Hairdressing Industry, Human Resources Practices, Organizational Performances
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組織文化在過往研究中常被證實對組織績效帶來顯著影響,然而卻鮮少研究探討組織文化在競爭激烈的美髮業的影響。此研究中,我們使用組織文化模型與體制理論,並以高雄三間規模大小不等的美髮業者為例,探討組織文化在人力資源實務應用以及組織績效的影響。由於過去較少學者研究美髮業,因此本研究採用質性研究,以一對一面談方式分別與十二位美髮業中不同角色的受訪者訪談。結果發現有學習文化、分享文化以及把同事當成家人對待的美髮業者,在此產業中較容易永續發展。 同時也發現擁有此類文化的組織,在人力資源策略上,採用海納百川的招募策略、著重完整的教育訓練機制,以及樂於與員工分享利潤的薪酬福利制度。
The organizational culture has long been proved to play an influential role on organizational performance. However, few researchers had ever focused on organizational culture’s influence on business’s survival in the acutely competitive hairdressing industry. In this research, we use Edgar’s organizational culture model (1980), DiMaggio’s institutional theory (1991), and Gordon’s industry driven organizational culture model (1991) to analyze the relationship of organizational culture, HR practices and organizational performances in three hair salons in Kaohsiung. Since few researchers had ever probed into the hairdressing industry, qualitative methodology has been applied in order to gain the most information. After interviewing twelve interviewees from three hair salons, we found that a salon with learning, sharing, and family-oriented culture is more likely to sustain in this industry. Also, a salon is more likely to survive if it has a non-selective recruitment strategy, sound training system and sharing-based compensation strategy.
目次 Table of Contents
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Figure Index vi
Table Index vi
1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research Motivation and Purpose 3
1.3 Research Procedure 5
2 Chapter 2 Literature Review 6
2.1 The General Situation of the Hairdressing Industry in Taiwan 6
2.1.1 Historical Background 8
2.1.2 Business Models 8
2.2 Core Theory: Institutional Theory 11
2.3 Organizational Culture 13
2.4 Organizational Culture in Service Industry 18
2.5 Relationship between Organizational Culture and HR Practices 21
2.6 Relationship between HR practices and Performance 23
3 Research Method 24
3.1 Case Study Method 24
3.1.1 Interview Questions 26
3.1.2 Interview Schedule and Interviewees 28
3.2 Case Profiles 30
3.2.1 Salon F 31
3.2.2 Salon I 31
3.2.3 Chain salon L 32
4 Data Analysis and Results 34
4.1 Organizational Culture and Industry Culture Analysis 34
4.1.1 Salon F 38
4.1.2 Salon I 42
4.1.3 Chain Salon L 46
4.2 HR Practices and Performances Analysis 51
4.3 Relationship Analysis: Organizational culture, HR practices, and Performances 54
4.4 Research framework 61
5 Conclusion 62
5.1 Discussion and Conclusion 62
5.1.1 Proposition one 62
5.1.2 Proposition Two 63
5.1.3 Proposition Three 64
5.1.4 Proposition Four 64
5.1.5 Proposition Five 65
5.1.6 Proposition Six 65
5.1.7 Proposition Seven 66
5.2 Practical Implication 68
5.3 Research Limitation and Further Research Suggestion 69
6 References 71
7 Appendix 73
7.1 Transcription: Salon I 73
7.2 Transcription: Chain Salon L 97
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