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博碩士論文 etd-0526117-150512 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0526117-150512
The Impact of Tourism Receipt Fluctuations on Taiwan's Macroeconomy
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tourism receipt, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, exchange rate regime, small open economy
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近年來臺灣政府積極發展觀光產業,但在 2016 下半年面臨到來臺 陸客銳減導致觀光外匯收入跟著下降的情況,本篇論文建構兩部門的 小型開放經濟體,以動態隨機一般均衡模型來模擬臺灣的觀光外匯收 入減少時對總體經濟的影響。發現當觀光外匯收入減少時會使總產出 有些許下降,且在偏向固定匯率制度下產出受到的影響較大;在勞工 替代彈性較大時產出受到的影響較小。若政府補貼觀光客,雖然有助 於提升觀光產業的產出,但其成效很小,且由於補貼需由舉債支出, 其日後的財政調整對總體經濟有負面的影響,使得一般產業和總產出 大幅下降。
In recent years, the Taiwanese government has actively promoted the tourism industry, but the decline of tourists from China, starting from the second half of 2016, led to a sharp decline in tourism receipts. This paper constructs a small open dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, calibrated to Taiwanese economy, to study the macroeconomic effects of tourism receipt fluctuations. It finds that the decline of tourism receipts has negative effect on total output. A managed exchange rate regime, which does not allow the exchange rate to depreciate in response to the tourist receipts decline has bigger negative effect on total output. When the elasticity of substitution between labor of two sectors is higher, the negative macroeconomic effects can be mitigated. We also investigate the effect of the tourist subsidy policy, and find that although it helps the tourism industry, the effectiveness of the policy is small. As the subsidy is financed by government debt, fiscal adjustments in later periods can lower overall output.
目次 Table of Contents
口試委員會審定書..................................... i
摘要............................................. ii
Abstract........................................... iii
第1章 緒論....................................... 1
第2章 文獻回顧..................................... 3
第3章 模型設立..................................... 5
3.1 家計單位.................................. 5
3.1.1 在地居民.............................. 5
3.1.2 外國觀光客 ............................ 7
3.2 廠商..................................... 7
3.2.1 觀光旅遊業之廠商 ........................ 8
3.2.2 一般產業之廠商.......................... 9
3.3 政府..................................... 9
3.4 央行..................................... 10
3.5 市場總合與市場結清 ........................... 11
第4章 參數設定與模型解............................... 12
第5章 模擬分析..................................... 14
5.1 基準模型.................................. 14
5.2 模擬不同的勞工替代彈性之影響..................... 15
5.3 模擬央行不同的匯率制度之影響..................... 15
5.4 模擬補貼觀光客政策之效果 ....................... 16
第6章 結論....................................... 18
參考文獻.......................................... 26
附錄............................................. 28
A.1最適化條件.................................. 28
A.2穩定條件................................... 33
A.3線性化方程式 ................................ 37
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