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博碩士論文 etd-0527107-152504 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0527107-152504
A Methodology and DSS for ERP Misfit Analysis
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ERP, misfit analysis, usability evaluation, cognitive fit theory, task-technology fit
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Commercial off-the-shelf enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have been adopted by large companies to support their inter- and intra-business processes. Midsize market firms are now investing in ERP systems too. However, research has indicated that about three quarters of attempted ERP projects turned out to be unsuccessful. A common problem encountered in adopting ERP software has been the issue of fit or alignment.
This paper presents an ERP misfit analysis methodology, grounded on the task-technology fit theory and cognitive fit theory, for measuring misfits between ERP candidates and enterprise’s requirements in ex-ante implementation. A decision support system prototype embedded the approach has been developed. A usability evaluation is performed on the prototype to demonstrate the approach. With this approach, organizations can more easily and systematically determine where the misfits are and the degree of misfits, thereby reducing the risks in implementing ERP systems. Our research contributes to the practical solution of the problem of misfit analysis.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2. Research Objectives 2
1.3. Research Methodology 3
1.4. Organization of the Dissertation 4
Chapter 2. Literature Review 5
2.1. Financial perspective 5
2.2. Interpretive perspective 6
2.3. Functional Perspective 7
2.3.1. Goal-based Matching Approach 8
2.3.2. Functional, Data and Output Misfits 11
2.3.3. Accelerated SAP 12
Chapter 3. Theoretical Background 16
3.1. ERP misfit analysis from the cognitive fit perspective 18
Chapter 4. ERP Misfit Analysis Model 23
4.1. Task of ERP misfit analysis 24
4.2. Requirement modeling 27
4.2.1. Goal-based use case 28
4.2.2. Activity diagram 29
4.2.3. Drawing and data glossary 30
4.3. Misfit analysis methodology 32
4.3.1. Goal Misfit Analysis 33
4.3.2. Functional Misfit Analysis 34
4.3.3. Data/Output Misfit Analysis 38
4.4. ERPAnalyser: A prototype implementation 42
Chapter 5. Usability Evaluation 44
5.1. Measurements development 45
5.2. Experiment design 46
Chapter 6. Results and Discussion 50
6.1. Effectiveness 50
6.2. Efficiency 56
6.3. Satisfaction 57
Chapter 7. Conclusion 59
References 62
Appendix A. Functional Misfit Evaluation Function 68
Appendix B. Participant profile 68
Appendix C. Questionnaire 69
Appendix D. Data/output misfit analysis results 70
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