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博碩士論文 etd-0602115-095735 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0602115-095735
外派經理人的決策研究 - 以日本外派經理為例
The Study of Decision Making of Expatriate Manager - Japanese Manager in Taiwan
Year, semester
Number of pages
Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
MNC, Japanese, cross culture training, expatriate, decision making
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This research focuses on expatriate manager decision making process and multinational corporation’s (MNC) training. Expatriate manager decision making is critical for managing subsidiary as one of international function, also, training is most significant factor for fostering expatriate skills, abilities before departure. The current research adopts a qualitative method in Taiwan, by interviewing expatriate managers who are in a higher position from Japan, different company, industry to collect date. The results shows managing expatriate still needs extra efforts to make them better perform as describing following problems: lack of training effectiveness, less exchanging information and understanding before departure, gap between headquarter and subsidiary. These three problems actually influence expatriate manager when they make decision. To solve problems, current research suggests that MNC information collecting, improvement of training organization for involving past expatriate or people who are familiar with local, making opportunity to exchange information from experienced expatriate. These suggestions contribute to MNCs for managing expatriate and increasing the cooperation and speed of decision making.
目次 Table of Contents
學位論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
1. Introduction 1
1. 1. Research Background 1
1. 2. Problem Statement 2
1. 3. Theoretical Framework 4
2. Literature Review 6
2. 1. Agency Theory 6
2. 1. 1. Role of Expatriate 9
2. 1. 2. Cost Problem 10
2. 1. 3. Importance of Expatriate 11
2. 2. Key Success Factor for Expatriate Management 14
2. 2. 1. Selection Process 15
2. 2. 2. What Factor is Important for Selection 16
2. 2. 3. Need Adjustment for Expatriate 17
2. 2. 4. Purpose of Training 18
2. 2. 5. Kind of Training 20
2. 3. The Importance of Expatriate Manager as Gatekeeper 22
2. 3. 1. Importance of Gatekeeper 23
2. 4. Leading Innovation 24
2. 5. Decision Making 26
2. 5. 1. The Factors Influence Decision Making 27
2. 6. Proposition 28
3. Research Method 30
3. 1. Informants 31
3. 2. Method of Interview and Content of Questionnaire 34
4. Results and findings 37
4. 1. Culture Difference 37
4. 2. Expatriate Decision Making Process 40
4. 3. Training Problems 44
4. 4. The Negative Factors Influence Expatriate Decision Making 46
5. Discussion and Conclusion 49
5. 1. Suggestion for Training 49
5. 2. Importance of Headquarter as Information Collecting Center 52
5. 3. Conclusion 54

References 56

Content of Table
Table 1: Informants 33
Table 2: Flow of Question 36

Content of Figure
Figure 1: Process of Expatriate Decision Making 5
Figure 2:Proposition 29
Figure 3: Expatriate Decision Making Process 41
Figure 4: The Negative Factors Influence Expatriate Decision Making 48
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