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博碩士論文 etd-0602115-102334 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0602115-102334
儲備幹部知覺師徒關係品質對任職意願之研究 ——職涯滿意度的中介效果
The Mediating Effect of Career Satisfaction on the Relationship between High Flyers’ Perceived Quality of Mentorship and Intention to Stay in Organizations
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self-efficacy, intention to stay, fast track programs, career satisfaction, perceived mentorship quality, high flyers
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Popular trends of fast track programs raise attention recently. The concept of fast track programs are originally adopted in foreign invested companies and widely used in financial industries, and people in programs are called high flyers, they play as key roles in programs. One of the main advantages of fast track programs is helping organization to cultivate future managers within rather short time. It costs considerably to nurture these high flyers; however, high turnover rate remains the problem of the programs. It is common to find that fast track programs are often equipped with mentoring systems; hence, this study argues that whether mentoring system can act a key factor to retain these talents, because mentoring relationship is regarded to influence the development of high flyers in the future.
The current study involves 115 high flyers as the research sample. Based on regression analysis, the result indicates that their perceived mentorship quality is positively related to intention to stay. Further, career satisfaction is found to mediate the relationship between perceived mentorship quality and intention to stay. High flyers’ intention to stay is strongly influenced by how they sense their career satisfaction from mentorship quality. Besides, the current study also examines high flyers’ self-efficacy as moderator between perceived mentoring quality and career satisfaction; however, no significant result indicates the moderating effect on this relationship.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Contents v
Contents of Figure and Table vii
1.1. Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2. Research Objectives 6
2.1. Fast Track Programs 8
2.2. Perceived Mentorship Quality 11
2.3. The Consequences of High Flyer’s Perceived Mentorship Quality 15
2.4. The Mediating Effect of Career Satisfaction 21
2.5. Self-Efficacy As A Moderator Between Perceived Mentorship Quality and
Career Satisfaction 23
3. METHOD 26
3.1. Participants and Procedures 26
3.2. Analytical Method 28
3.2.1. Descriptive Statistics Analysis 29
3.2.2. Correlation Analysis 29
3.2.3. Regression Analysis 29
3.3. Measures 30
3.3.1. High Flyers’ Perceived Mentorship Quality 30
3.3.2. Career Satisfaction 31
3.3.3. Intention to Stay 31
3.3.4. Self-Efficacy 32
3.3.5. Control Variables 33
3.4. Theory Model 33
5.1. Research Conclusions 43
5.2. Managerial Implication 45
5.3. Research Limitation and Recommendation for Future Research 46
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