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博碩士論文 etd-0607117-220724 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0607117-220724
Research on Work Life Balance and Turnover Intention of Cross Generations Employees
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Cross Generations, Recruitment, Retention Strategy, Work-Life Balance, Turnover Intention
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1. 常態性加班已是過去式,加班之嚴重程度與員工離職率有明顯正相關,制定彈性工時及縮短工時制度為企業首重要務。
2. 現代工作者對於私人時間重視程度升高,管理者應改變心態,減少非工作時間之任務交派。
3. 適當的休假可釋放員工平時的工作壓力,在休假結束後,員工則會更加投入工作。
4. 員工於不同時期會有不同需求產生,多元休假方案可更貼近員工實際需要。
5. 工作生活平衡不僅是提供措施而已,更重要的是打造健康的職場環境。
6. 工作與生活平衡與薪資公平性缺一不可,若任何一方無法達到理想標準,則會提高員工之離職傾向。
7. 員工在意的不僅是福利,營造有趣及透明化的工作環境可使員工更加投入工作,進而提升員工之留任率。
According to the population statistics of the National Development Council, since 2015, the labor force population of Taiwan has been faced with the crisis of annual decrease. In addition to that, the rapid outflow of labor population has further worsened the situation. This has highlighted the importance of labor force development. How to reduce working hours and enhance the sense of achievement and happiness for employees while working are important issues for the sustainable development of corporations.

In the past, research regarding work-life balance mostly focused on a certain gender or industry and there was little research conducted from the trans-generation perspective. This research conducted individual in-depth interviews and studies on laborers from different generations, genders and industries and further analyzed their perspectives on work-life balance in order to understand their similarities and differences regarding the necessities of different generations. By doing so, this research can serve as a reference for future researchers to conduct further discussions and for corporations to stipulate corresponding policies.

This research has discovered the following:

1. Frequent overwork has become a thing of the past. The severity of overwork has an apparent positive correlation with the employee’s rate of resignation. Stipulating flexible working hours and reducing working hours is now the number one priority of corporations.
2. Given that modern workers have more emphasis on their private time, executives should change their mindset and prevent assigning assignments during off hours.
3. Appropriate amount of days off can release the daily working pressure of employees and they will worker harder after their days off.
4. Employees have different necessities during different period of their life. Versatile leave plans are more suitable to the practical needs of the employees.
5. Work-life balance is not only measures provided by the corporations, but is an important mean to build a healthy work place environment.
6. Work-life balance and fair salary are both essential. If either of them could not achieve the employee’s ideal standard, the resignation inclination of employees will increase.
7. Employees do not only care about their welfare. By constructing a more interesting and transparent working environment, it can further inspire employees to be dedicated in their work and thus increase their retention rate.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
誌謝........................................................................................ ii
英文摘要................................................................................. v
第一章 緒論............................................................................. 1
第一節 研究背景...................................................................... 1
第二節 研究動機.......................................................................4
第三節 研究目的.......................................................................4
第二章 文獻探討.......................................................................5
第一節 世代區分.......................................................................5
第二節 工作與生活平衡.............................................................8
第三節 工作投入......................................................................11
第四節 組織承諾......................................................................13
第五節 離職傾向......................................................................16
第三章 研究方法......................................................................19
第一節 研究方法......................................................................19
第二節 研究對象......................................................................20
第三節 研究過程......................................................................23
第四章 研究結果......................................................................26
第一節 不同世代工作人員對於加班之看法...................................26
第二節 不同世代工作人員對於休假之重視程度............................30
第三節 不同世代工作人員之工作生活平衡影響因素......................34
第四節 不同世代工作人員對於工作與生活失衡採取之策略............39
第五節 不同世代工作人員理想職場要素......................................42
第六節 不同世代工作人員有感之工作生活平衡措施......................47
第七節 不同世代工作人員之工作存在意義...................................52
第五章 結論與建議...................................................................56
第一節 命題發展與建議.............................................................57
第二節 研究限制與未來研究建議................................................59
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