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博碩士論文 etd-0608115-150954 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0608115-150954
臺灣便利資源回收技術 RE-THINK Services 投資商業企劃
Capitalizing on New Convenient Recycling Technology in Taiwan RE-THINK Services: A Business Feasibility Plan
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
RE-THINK Services、企業永續性、企業社會責任、自動資源回收機、台灣、商業可行性計劃
corporate sustainability, corporate social responsibility, reversed vending machine, Taiwan, RE-THINK Services, business feasibility plan
本論文已被瀏覽 5891 次,被下載 32
The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5891 times, has been downloaded 32 times.
這項商業投資計劃預計將實行於位於高雄的有限公司RE-THINK Services。利用台灣對企業社會責任要求提升,並對便利資源回收技術之興趣日漸成長,RE-THINK Services將會結合便利於回收點經營模式。本文最初會先介紹公司及其業務,接下來會分析市場及回收產業、RE-THINK Services競爭對手分析以及研究調查結果。此外,此文亦會討論RE-THINK Services的管理策略概述、公司的定位和獨特的價值主張。最後,會提及RE-THINK Services的營銷策略和實施計劃,及評估公司五年之經濟可行性。
市場研究和最終計畫顯示,RE-THINK Services的商業計劃在高雄市苓雅區(其預定的試驗市場)是可行的。
As consumer demand for corporate sustainability and social responsibility have increased, convenience store chains in the Republic of China (“Taiwan”) have the unique opportunity to offer consumers new convenient high tech recycling solutions. The global industry for the high tech recycling solution known as reversed vending machines has been growing since the 1970s. The reversed vending machine industry in Taiwan is currently undeveloped, which creates a unique opportunity for convenience store chains to profit by offering new convenient recycling solutions.
This business feasibility plan was prepared for RE-THINK Services, a limited company in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. RE-THINK Services will combine convenience with the recycling point business model to capitalize on Taiwan’s growing demand for corporate social responsibility and the interest in convenient recycling solutions. The paper initially introduces the company and its services. The market and the recycling industry are analyzed next. A competitor analysis of RE-THINK Services and the results from the research survey are also discussed. RE-THINK Services’ management strategy is outlined next followed by the company’s positioning and unique value proposition. RE-THINK Services’ marketing strategy and operational plan will then be outlined. The economic feasibility of the company will also be assessed through five-year projections.
Market research and the final projects indicate that the RE-THINK Services business concept is viable within Lingya District, its intended trial marketplace.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Approval Form i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
Tables List vi
Figures List vii
1. Executive Summary 1
2. Company Overview 4
2.1. Mission Statement 7
2.2. Goals and Objectives 7
2.3. Vision Statement 8
3. Services 8
3.1. Service Offerings 8
3.2. Reversed Vending Machine Presentation 10
3.3. Customer Service 10
4. Market and Industry Analysis 11
4.1. Market Summary 11
4.1.1. Macroeconomic Factors 11
4.1.2. Taiwan Demographics 14
4.1.3. Kaohsiung City Demographics 14
4.1.4. Lingya District Demographics 15
4.1.5. Market Size & Total Market Potential 16
4.1.6. Market Share Projection 17
4.2. Industry Analysis 17
4.2.1. Convenience Store Industry 17
4.2.2. Recycling Industry 19
4.2.3. RVM Industry 23
4.3. Market Trends 25
4.3.1. Population Trends 25
4.3.2. Convenience Trends 27
4.3.3. Corporate Social Responsibility Trends 27
4.4. Competition 30
4.4.1. The Competitive Environment 30
4.4.2. In-depth Competitor Analysis 32
4.4.3. RE-THINK Services’ Competitive Edge 36
4.5. Primary Market Research 36
5. Management and Implementation Summary 44
5.1. Brand Management 44
5.1.1. Brand Elements 44
5.2. Marketing Plan 45
5.2.1. STP Analysis 46
5.2.2. Marketing Strategy 48
5.2.3. Marketing Mix – The 4P’s 49
5.2.4. SWOT Analysis 52
5.3. Operational Plan 53
5.3.1. Daily Operations 53
5.3.2. Device Procurement 54
5.3.3. Recyclable Resource Disposal 55
5.3.4. Human Resources Management 56
6. Management and Organization 57
6.1. Ownership Structure 57
6.2. Governance of RE-THINK Services 57
6.3. Personnel Plan 58
7. Financial Plan 58
7.1. Start-up Summary 58
7.2. Break-even Analysis 63
7.3. Sales Forecast 66
7.4. Projected Income Statement 68
7.5. Cash Flow Projections 69
7.6. Projected Balance Sheet 74
8. Conclusions & Recommendations 75
8.1. Keys to Success 75
8.2. Capital Needs 76
8.3. Future Opportunities 76
9. References 78

Appendix A – Primary Market Research Survey Results 83
Appendix B – Resume of Daniel L. Gruber 91
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