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博碩士論文 etd-0609104-123600 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0609104-123600
A study of Insurance Broker organizational change-action research as an intervention skill
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Organization development, Organizational change, Intervention, Action research
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Due to the several facts, like the effect from global economical recession onto our domestic insurance industry, the influence from non-stop interest rate declining in cost-benefit of management, Taiwan becoming one of the WTO members, the high-rates of insurants in Taiwan, the change of consumer’s demand, as well as the passing Law for mergers of Financial Insitutions and Financial Holding Company Law, some insurance companies are facing severe challenges. In order to survive and develop, these insurance companies would like to provoke their employees’ conscious about this crisis and to re-assess the goal and achievement for their organizations. The project is designed for assisting H Insurance Brokerage Company to process the intervention activity about the organizational transformation.
Now-a-days most of the research topics about organizational transformation and development are focused on a big scale of structural convergence like system reengineering and strategic application or the research topics stress on the discussion about the effects element instead of the working process of organizational transformation execution. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is taking H insurance Brokerage Company as an example to apply Quasi-Experimental method to do the case study on organizational transformation process and the changing situation of organizational efficiency after the intervention activity, which was based on the action research.
Within one-year intervention process, this thesis is advanced with these three steps, searching for a fixed position, searching for a consensus, and developing the effective leadership. The production of these three steps is created for resolving the former problems and each of these steps includes “ to diagnose, to plan, to execute,
to assess”. At the same time, the research methods such as observations, interviews, conference records and document files as well as Quantitative method, were applied, including twice survey collections, document assessment and analysis. Based on the result from the analysis of these required information, this thesis discovers:
1.Both participants’ ability and organizational performance are elevated through the research process of participatory activity.

2.This case-studied company re-news its location, develops its new goal, and completes its management tools like flowchart, system manual and operational manual after intervenient.
3.Both administrators and participants experienced this learning process of Learning- Internalization-action- improvement during the action research sessions.
4.Action research sessions allows both organization and its members to endlessly improve and develop within endlessly creative changing process.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄 I
圖目錄 III
表目錄 IV
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 7
第三節 名詞定義 7
第貳章 文獻探討 9
第一節 組織發展的意涵 9
第二節 計劃性變革干預模式 16
第三節 影響組織變革之要素 26
第四節 組織發展干預技術 32
第五節 行動研究 40
第參章 研究方法與流程 53
第一節 研究架構 54
第二節 研究流程 55
第三節 研究對象 58
第四節 行動研究設計 63
第五節 資料蒐集 73
第肆章 行動研究歷程結果及發現 82
第一節 行動計劃一:找尋組織定位階段 82
第二節 行動計劃二:尋求共識階段 97
第三節 行動計劃三:培養領導效能階段 102
第四節 行動研究計劃變革干預與組織績效之關係 123
第伍章 結論與建議 126
第一節 研究結論 126
第二節 研究貢獻 133
第三節 研究限制與建議 134
附錄一:H公司各年度營業額與重大記事 149
附錄二、高峰會議議程 151
附錄三、負責人策略會議 152
附錄四、訪談摘要表 154
附錄五、第一次施測問卷 155
附錄六、第二次施測問卷 157
附錄七、高峰會議成員心得彙整表 160
附錄八 關鍵流程工作項目 161
附錄九、誓師大會檢討結果 163
附錄十、各事業部訪談摘要彙整表 164
附錄十一、環境觀察表 168
附錄十二、事業部經營會議回饋資料表 169
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