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博碩士論文 etd-0609115-123653 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0609115-123653
TAIEX Trend Prediction with Support Vector Machine
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Date of Exam
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Genetic algorithms, Technical indicators, Stock prediction, Feature selection, Support vector machine, Machine learning
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5885 times, has been downloaded 76 times.
This paper develops a prediction model which combined genetic algorithms and support vector machine to predict the five-day-ahead direction of the TAIEX. We employ technical indicators as model input features, and the model output is upward or downward signal. To confirm the model output signal is able to make return from market, we use the output signals to do backtesting on TAIFEX between 2000 and 2014. In addition, we also try to use clustering and feature selection method to training data for improving the accuracy rate and investment return.
The best prediction model is used clustering and no feature selection method to the training data. The accuracy rate of all sample is 52.66%, and the accuracy rate of the sample on the condition of predicting upward signal is 57.15%, but the accuracy rate of the sample on the condition of predicting downward signal is only 48.29%. Because our models have the higher accuracy rate on the condition of predicting upward signal, we only use upward signal to do backtesting on TAIFEX. In the backtesting, we consider the impact of stop loss quantile, stop loss rate, and leverages on the investment return. The best backtesting result of the model is used clustering and F-score feature selection method to the training data, its annualized rate of return can reach 23.47% when the the stop loss quantile sets to 0.5, stop loss rate sets to 10% and leverage sets to 3 times.
This study demonstrated that machine learning model can be used in securities investment. It can obtain abundant reward from market through our method.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝辭 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與問題 2
1.3 研究架構與流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 支持向量機 4
2.1.1 資料線性可分隔支持向量機 5
2.1.2 資料線性不可分隔支持向量機 8
2.1.3 非線性支持向量機 9
2.2 遺傳演算法 11
2.3 特徵挑選方法 11
2.3.1 F分數法(F-score) 11
2.3.2 逐步迴歸法(Stepwise Regression) 12
2.4 支持向量機在證券投資的應用 12
2.4.1 國外文獻 13
2.4.2 國內文獻 14
第三章 研究方法 16
3.1 研究模型 16
3.2 預測分類 17
3.3 分群方法 18
3.4 訓練期與預測期選擇方法 19
3.5 特徵資料 19
3.5.1 移動平均線(Moving Average; MA) 20
3.5.2 乖離率(BIAS) 20
3.5.3 指數平滑異同移動平均線(Moving Average Convergence and Divergence; MACD) 21
3.5.4 相對強弱指標(Relative Strength Index; RSI) 21
3.5.5 KD隨機指標(Stochastics Line; KD) 22
3.5.6 威廉指標(Williams %R) 22
3.5.7 趨向指標(Directional Movement Index; DMI) 23
3.5.8 動量指標(Momentum Index; MTM) 25
3.5.9 移動平均量(Moving Average Volume; MAV) 25
3.5.10 量強弱指標(Volume Ratio; VR) 27
3.5.11 人氣指標(AR)與意願指標(BR) 27
3.6 資料正規化 31
3.7 特徵挑選方法 31
3.7.1 F分數法(F-score) 32
3.7.2 逐步迴歸法(Stepwise Regression) 32
3.8 GA-SVM模型 32
第四章 模型與實證結果與分析 36
4.1 資料來源 36
4.2 使用軟體 36
4.3 模型預測 36
4.3.1 模型設定 36
4.3.2 模型預測結果 37
4.4 實證回溯投資 42
4.4.1 投資規則設定 42
4.4.2 實證投資結果 42
第五章 結論與建議 52
5.1 研究結論 52
參考文獻 54
參考文獻 References
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