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博碩士論文 etd-0614114-173950 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0614114-173950
A Strategy Planning of Market Behavior of the Energy Saving Lighting:Case of M Company
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
CCFL, Energy -saving Lamps, LED, Core competitiveness
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1. 原有日本方面的行銷通路,不論CCFL或者是LED,都已相對佈局完備,後續應致力鞏固此一通路的維護,持續強化對客戶的服務與後勤支援能力、維持品質穩定與提供有效的售後服務機制,以保持此一市場的市場佔有率,並甚至能進一步提升。
2. 就M公司在日本市場上的成功與營收依賴度而言,過於偏重日本市場也提高了經營上的風險,因此必須開始進行行銷市場上的分散,以免造成業務上過度依賴單一市場的風險。
3. M公司行銷資源嚴重不足,組織結構不盡合理,營收來源不夠穩定等狀況必須通盤考量後加以調整,在CCFL節能燈具以及客制化電源控制等具備核心競爭力的方面,建立以績效導向為管理的主要模式,藉以激勵有效的研發機制與行銷的動機形成,才能提高經營成功的機率。
In recent years, with an ever-increasing energy acquisition costs, climate change led to the request of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, as well as the impact of Japan's northeast earthquake post-Nuclear accident, hence all countries globally have begun to actively adjust their energy policies.
Subsequently, Taiwan’s power policy has to make adjustment accordingly. Power generation sources can no longer depend only on nuclear energy, coal, oil or water; we rather take an actively positive response. At the same time, the changes of industry structure causing the Human Resources structural imbalance. Under the influence of internal and external factors, businesses, families and individuals, are facing continuously raising of living costs, therefore, we must make adjustment in the Energy Use and Management Approach, so that we can respond to the trend of decreasing Fossil Fuels Energy in the future.

Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction had become an important issue of current enterprise operating and family life. It is only started out from individuals, families and businesses, with the Government encouragement and advocacy at the policy, to be truly effective in reducing dependence on traditional sources of energy. Making the ecology of environment to obtain a relatively balanced development, to the overall improvement in living environment and reduce the harm on health of energy usage.

This case study is based on representation of M Company that the author currently works at. Attempting to plan the steps of marketing strategies through the internal and external analysis of industry environment and the allocation of resources within, after the progressively inductive research, we acquired the following conclusions:
1. Lighting fixtures industry has a large-scale global market which cannot be monopolized by small numbers of business. In order to go together with the design of architecture and power systems, each country had their relevant requirements on safety and building regulations, when marketing the export of lighting fixtures products, must have this recognition that the degree of localization is relatively higher compare to other industries.
2. If only taking into account of M Company’s internal factors of cost and quality, with in-depth understanding, study and discussion, we could understand when M company proposed the planning of marketing strategy, below points required focus of attention:
1. Japan’s existing marketing and distribution, whether CCFL or LED, there is a relatively completed layout, subsequently should endeavor to consolidate the maintenance of this distribution, continuing to strengthen the customer service and logistical support capability, maintaining quality stability and provide effective after-sales service mechanism in order to maintain its market share and even its further enhancement.

2. However, in terms of M Company’s success and revenue dependency in the Japanese markets, too much emphasis on the Japanese market also increased its risks on operation. Therefore must begin decentralizing the marking on the market, in order to avoid the business risk of over-reliance on single market.

3. M Company seriously inadequate of marketing resources, the organization structure is irrational, source of revenue is not stable enough must be taken into comprehensive consideration for making adjustment; in terms of the core competitiveness of CCFL Energy Saving Lamps and Custom Power Control, establishing major management model of performance-oriented , with the purpose to encourage the formation of effective R & D mechanism and motivation of marketing, in achieving the chances of successful business operation.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iv
目 錄 vii
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目標 3
第四節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻與市場探討 5
第一節 節能燈具市場概要 5
第二節 產品特徵 11
第三章 研究設計 17
第一節 研究架構 17
第二節 研究模型 17
第四章 實證分析 21
第一節 產業背景 21
第二節 主要因素探討 24
第三節 SWOT分析: 36
第四節 策略規劃 40
第五章 結論與建議 44
第一節 研究結論 44
第二節 研究建議 47
第三節 管理意涵 48
參考文獻 49
參考文獻 References
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