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博碩士論文 etd-0615104-111747 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0615104-111747
The Human Resources Development Strategy and Practices in Global Supply System
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Date of Exam
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developing, employment, global supply system, IT manufacturing industry, human resources development
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In the era of low-margin products, Taiwan’s electronics manufacturing service (EMS) providers, who produce communication, computers, and consumer electronics products, have become the most important partners to the most prominent international brand retailers. This is due to their premium cost advantages and superior efficiency in supply chain management through their global expansion and resourcing strategies. EMS providers’ strong connections with component suppliers are another key factor contributing to their success. Following the EMS manufacturers’ global expansion and resourcing strategies, the component suppliers have to set up factories in China, South East Asia, East Europe and Latin America. As these component suppliers are usually small- and medium-sized enterprises or are start-up businesses, their resources are not as abundant as the EMS manufacturers. As a result, it is more difficult and requires extra care when attempting to become globalized. As well, they normally have to learn as they proceed and this pertains to human capital, financial resources and the competency to operate globally

This research is concern with human resources management. In other words, “based on EMS manufacturers’ global disposition strategy, how do the component suppliers develop their human resources to set up the factories globally.” This research defines human resources management as employment and development. This study utilizes the human resources development practices of the EMS manufacturers as the benchmark for component suppliers. As a result, two EMS manufacturers and one component supplier are chosen as objects of study. This shall help to generalize the principle practices used in human resources development of the EMS manufacturers and hopefully implications for component suppliers can be derived.

The research is based on a case study. Three conclusions are generated from data collection and analyses:

1.With a prominent trend towards globalization, the human resources department of the EMS manufacturers has transformed its role from a conventional unit in charge of daily routine activities such as recruitment, training and promotion to a value-added one.
2.According to the human resources management philosophies adopted by different EMS manufacturers, the human resources acquisition strategy can be categorized into two types. The first type is a group with a higher commitment in human resources while the other does not have as much. The former group which has a higher commitment concentrates on internal training. This group prefers to train staffs by themselves and uses both physical and virtual training platforms. The latter group which has a lower commitment acquires staffs from the labor market directly and target in using the physical training platform.
3.In addition to evaluating the employees’ capability, personality curves can also be developed during the recruiting process. Human resource development solely by physical platform is insufficient and it is essential to incorporate the electronic platform to enhance its effectiveness.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
一、研究背景 1
二、研究動機 2
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 研究方法 4
第一節 質性研究法 4
一、質性研究方法的特性 4
二、與量化研究的不同 7
三、個案研究法 9
第二節 研究設計 10
一、樣本選擇 10
二、資料收集 11
三、資料分析 11
第三章 文獻探討 13
第一節 企業國際化理論 13
一、企業國際化之動機 13
二、國際化過程 20
三、跨國企業協調管控方式 22
第二節 策略性人力資源管理 24
一、策略性人力資源管理定義 24
二、策略性人力資源管理的架構 25
第三節 人力資源開發 29
一、人力資源任用 29
二、人力資源發展 36
第四節 國際人力資源任用與訓練 39
一、駐外人員之甄選 39
二、駐外人員之訓練 44
三、當前國際人力資源規劃缺點 48
第四章 個案介紹 50
第一節 Q公司 50
一、公司簡介 50
二、人力資源制度介紹 57
三、人力資源開發策略與做法 58
第二節 W公司 62
一、公司簡介 62
二、人力資源制度介紹 65
三、人力資源開發的策略與作法 68
第三節 F公司 76
一、公司簡介 76
二、人力資源制度介紹 80
第五章 資料分析與研究結果 87
第一節 資料分析 87
一、個案公司基本比較 87
二、Q公司與W公司在人力資源開發策略與作法之比較 88
第二節 對F公司之啟發 95
一、任用 96
二、發展 100
第六章 結論與建議 105
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