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博碩士論文 etd-0615106-185619 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0615106-185619
A Methodology for Transformation from Sequence Diagram to Class Diagram
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
sequence diagram, metamodel, UML, transformation, class diagram
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今日,運用統一塑模語言(UML)與電腦開發輔助工具(CASE)來建構軟體系統已經成為物件導向分析與設計的主流。為了增加軟體系統開發流程的自動化轉換與再利用的程度,過去的研究假定大部份的類別圖可以藉由循序圖直接轉換而得。然而,目前卻缺乏有關轉換的詳細規則指導。本研究提出了一個衍生自Selonen et al(2003)所提出的轉換方法論,以進一步將循序圖轉換到類別圖。本論文使用一個真實世界的案例來說明這些概念與其應用的優點。藉由這個方法,系統開發者可以將大部份的循序圖自動轉換到其相關對應的類別圖,並進而改善系統開發的效率。
Today, modeling the software with unified modeling language (UML) and computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tool becomes the main stream for the objected-oriented systems analysis and design. To enhance the degree of ransformation automation and reuse in the system development process, prior research suggested that most parts of the class diagram can be transformed from the sequence diagram directly. However, the explicit guideline for the transformation is lacking. This study presents a methodology, extended from Selonen et al (2003), to transform the sequence diagram into the class diagram. A real-world case using the integrated techniques is presented to illustrate the concepts, application, and the advantages of using the proposed approach. With this approach, the system developer can transform most parts of the sequence diagram into its associated class diagram automatically and thereby enhance the efficiency of system development.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION...........................................1
1.1 Background and Motivation...........................1
1.2 Scope and Objective .............................2
1.3 Research Process .............................4
1.4 Thesis overview .............................5
2 LITERATURE REVIEW .............................6
2.1 UML ...............................................6
2.2 Agile Modeling ......................................8
2.3 MDA ..............................................10
2.3.1 Why model .....................................11
2.3.2 Models,modeling,and MDA ...................12
2.4 Transformations between UML diagrams ..........15
2.5 Phase of Transformation Operation ..........18
2.6 Metamodel and MOF ............................19
2.6.1 MOF (Meta Object Facility) ...................21
2.6.2 Understanding Metamodeling ...................22
2.6.3 Mapping between Metalevels: ...................24
2.6.4 The relation between mapping and transformation .25
2.6.5 Pattern-Based Model Transformation ..........27
2.6.6 Requirements for a Transformation Rule ..........30
2.7 Techniques for Transformation Operations ..........31
2.8 Object Constraint Language (OCL) ...................31
2.8.1 Self .....................................33
2.8.2 Context .....................................33
2.8.3 Invariants .....................................33
2.8.4 Basic Values and Types ...................33
2.8.5 Enumeration Types ............................34
2.8.6 Precedence Rules ...........................34
2.8.7 Keywords ....................................35
2.8.8 Comment ....................................35
2.8.9 Initial and Derived Values .................36
2.8.10 Standard operator for the Boolean type .......36
2.8.11 Objects and Properties ................37
2.8.12 Properties ..................................37
2.8.13 Properties: Attributes........................38
2.8.14 Properties: Operations .................38
2.8.15 Properties: Association Ends and Navigation 39
2.8.16 Navigation over Associations with Multiplicity Zero or One .............................................40
2.8.17 String ....................................40
2.8.18 Collections ...................................40
2.8.19 Collection Operations..........................41
2.8.20 Collect Operation ...........................41
2.8.21 Stenography for Collect ..................42
2.8.22 ForAll Operation ...........................43
2.8.23 Exists Operation ...........................43
2.8.24 Iterate Operation ...........................44
2.8.25 Operations on Collection Types .........44
2.8.26 Tuples and Tuple Types ..................45
2.9 Class Diagram ....................................46
2.9.1 Metamodel of Class Diagram and Sequence Diagram 46
2.9.2 Metamodel of Class Diagram ..................47
2.9.3 Class ....................................49
2.9.4 Property ....................................50
2.9.5 Operation ....................................51
2.9.6 Association ....................................52
2.9.7 AssociationEnd ...........................54
2.9.8 Generalization ...........................55
2.10 Sequence Diagram ...........................57
2.10.1 Metamodel of Sequence Diagram ..................57
2.10.2 Interaction ....................................59
2.10.3 Lifeline ....................................60
2.10.4 EventOccurrence ...........................61
2.10.5 ExecutionOccurrence ...........................61
2.10.6 Message and MessageEnd ..................62
2.10.7 Stop ....................................63
2.10.8 StateInvariant and Constraint ..................63
2.11 Stereotype: ....................................64
2.12 Sketch of Proof of Correctness ..................66
2.13 Related Work ....................................67
3 TRANSFORMATION OPERATION ...........................68
3.1 Framework of transformation ..................68
3.2 Mapping .....................................69
3.2.1 Define our own metamodel for transformation 70
3.2.2 Steps of the Mapping for the Class Diagram: 74
3.2.3 Steps of the Mapping for Sequence Diagram: 77
3.3 Transformation Rules: ............................79
3.3.1 Using Push Approach: ............................82
1 Lifeline to Class ............................82
2 Message to Association, Operation and attribute 83
2.1 Eventoccurrence to Association ...................83
2.2. Message to Operation ............................86
2.3 Executionoccurrence to Attribute ...................87
3 StateInvariant to Constraint ...................89
3.3.2 Using Pull Approach: ............................89
3.4 Transformation Rules in OCL expression ..........94
3.4.1 Transformation from Sequence diagram to Class diagram ..............................................97
3.5 Summary of transformation rules ..................104
4. EXAMPLE TRANSLATIONS ...........................107
4.1 Dynamic Behavior Modeling ..................109
4-2 Mapping: ....................................110
4-3 Transformation from Sequence diagram to Class diagram .............................................117
4-4 Sketch of Proof of Correctness ..................123
5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ..................127
5.1 Conclusion ....................................127
5.2 Future Work ....................................129
REFERENCE: ....................................131
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