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Title page for etd-0617105-102429
The Owner-managers of Information Technology(IT)Entrepreneurial Businesses—An Explorative Case Study on Electronic Components Manufacturing Companies
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Information Technology industry, Owner-Manager, Entrepreneurship, Electronic Components, Complexity Theory
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To inquire into entrepreneurship, a newly-emerging and interesting subject, our research has selected Taiwan’s information technology electronics components industry as research target. By gathering vast- and primary- data, and using several representative Taiwanese component manufacturers as case studies, we found the ‘technical-amateur’ phenomenon. This paper will clearly explain the contents, contextual factors, and advantages of technical-amateur entrepreneurship.

These type of entrepreneurs are so-called ‘technical-amateurs’ because they lacked previous work experiences in the information technology industry, i.e. outsiders; they also lacked technical ability of the typical blue-collared workers and the engineers, they were previously high-level managers in the manufacturing industry. Thus technical-amateurs tend to have vast- and extended- relationship networks that can quickly transfer capitals, to form capital team and gain the assistance of venture capital to attract the technical team; they also have sharp intuition that can strategize to move toward the mainstream to maximize market benefits; they also have managerial ability that can successfully assimilate the technology team and improve production efficiency while reducing production cost. These concepts are similar to the arguments of ‘fitness landscape’, ‘co-evolution’, and ‘the establishment of shared schema”.

There are several important contextual factors that led to the emergence of technical-amateurs. 1) Product technology already exists, but the process technology remains to be explored; 2) Clustering of the local information technology industry, especially the existence of world-class EMS manufacturers; 3) Rapid growths of venture-capitals; 4) Mobility of technology and talents; and 5) Profitability minimization of information products.

Comparing to technical entrepreneurs, technical-amateur entrepreneurs have the following advantages:
1.By occupying the advanced-guard position in the information industry, can quickly discover entrepreneurial opportunities. Outsourcing under changes in the global commodity chain and the trend toward lighter- and smaller- information products, give rise to more entrepreneurial opportunities in the component industry. Since technical-amateurs maintain close relationships with venture-capital thus can organize capital team, therefore occupying the advanced-guard position where they can quickly discover emerging opportunities.
2.Powerful Capital Reinforcements. To achieve economies of scale, newly-founded components businesses must quickly improve its productivity. But before this could happen, manufacturer must experience a learning period where budgetary deficits are unavoidable. However due to the reinforcements of the capital team, technical-amateur entrepreneurs can lead through this difficult period and into a most profitable period of significant growths.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與問題 1
第二節 文獻探討 11
第二章 研究方法 27
第一節 質性研究法 27
第二節 紮根理論 29
第三節 研究設計 31
第三章 研究結果分析 41
第一節 金主頭家的內涵 41
第二節 形塑「金主頭家」現象的情境因素 89
第三節 金主頭家的優勢與結果 130
第四章 結論與意涵 134
第一節 研究結論簡述 134
第二節 研究意涵 135
第五章 參考文獻 144
參考文獻 References
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