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博碩士論文 etd-0617113-111522 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0617113-111522
A Study of the Role of HR Strategic Partner - The Enterprise of Taiwan
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Organizational performance, Strategic management approach, Industry characteristic, Strategic partner, Human resources executive
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5767 times, has been downloaded 164 times.
The main purpose of this research is trying to respond (1) the degree of strategic partner of human resource executive becomes a strategic partner in an organization in Taiwan enterprise; (2) how to integrate human resources strategy and organizational strategy through strategic management approaches; (3) the efficacy of organizational performance and human resource integrated efficacy through strategic management approaches by human resource strategic partner; (4) the efficacy of human resource strategic partner and strategic management approaches though the industry characteristic.
Human resource executives (HRE) are selected as interviewees. Four HREs and two HR managers were interviewed from five companies in five different industries. The results are listed as follow:
(1) CEO’s trust is a factor to HRE who plays as a strategic partner in an organization. Major task for a high degree of HR strategic partner focuses on promoting and constructing the organizational vision and talent management and training.
(2) A high degree of human resources strategic partner using integrated approach when it combines HR strategy and organizational strategy; a lower degree of human resources strategic partner using afterthought approach.
(3) Integrated approach presents higher organizational performance than afterthought approach.
(4) Industry characteristic such as technology, innovation and customer service, it presents a high degree of HR strategic partner. HR strategy and organizational strategy merging are integrated approach.
目次 Table of Contents
Power of Attorney i
Acknowledgement ii
Chinese Abstract iii
English Abstract iv
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2. Research Objectives 2
1.3. Research Process 2
2. Literature Review 5
2.1. Organizational Performance 5
2.2. Human Resource Executive – Strategic Partner 9
2.3. Strategic Partner Approach Management 10
2.4. Industry Characteristic 11
3. Research Methodology and Design 13
3.1. Research Framework 13
3.2. Research Design 15
3.3. Sampling and Data Collection 17
4. Research Results and Discussion 20
4.1. HR Contribution to Organization 20
4.2. CEO-Trust 32
4.3. HR Executive as a Strategic Partner 37
4.4. HR Strategic Partner Management Approach 53
4.5. Industry Characteristics 57
5. Conclusion 61
5.1. Research finding and Result 61
5.2. Limitations and Suggestions for future Research 70
Reference – Chinese 71
Reference – English 73
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