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博碩士論文 etd-0620108-012030 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0620108-012030
Exploring The Implementation of Dynamic Inventory System on the internal controls - Selecting A company of 3C Hypermarket as a Case Study
Year, semester
Number of pages
Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
3C, hypermarket, inventory, COSO, internal control
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5820 times, has been downloaded 14 times.
  Under the uncertain and fast-changing business environment with price hikes, growing expenses, shrinking margin benefits, and increasing risks, how to reduce various items of operating expenses and enhance operating efficiency has become the primary subject for modern enterprises. This paper conducted a research on 3C hypermarket with its commodity characteristics---high level of same configuration pattern and lots of alternative substitutes, as well as its sales characteristics--- more and more hypermarket with increasingly bigger dimension, low standards for retail store to access to market, and the popular on-line shopping, which resulted in furious competitions and reductions of profits. During the era of narrow margin of profits, expenses control is more important than ever.
  Well commodity managements can enable us to know the inventory turnover rate, and to avoid loss from falling price, dull sale or commodity loss which could cause serious loss for the company, therefore we should establish an effective inventory system, and assist in internal control to reduce error and fraudulent practices, which will facilitate the rapid development of branches smoothly.
  This paper took Company A as a typical case for studying 3C hypermarket, to conduct in-depth discussion on whether the brand new dynamic inventory system is more effective than ordinary inventory methods in managing inventory and meeting the requirement of internal control based on the consideration of cost and benefit. This research adopted the method of semi-structural in-depth interviews, to conduct analysis on the difference between the internal control as before and after the introduction, the impact of the introduction, and the reason and solution of the problems, etc, according to the framework containing five key factors of internal control in COSO report, such as control environment, risk appraisal, control activity, information and communication and monitoring as well as supervision.
  The result of this research study indicated that after the case company introduced the dynamic inventory system, its operating expenses has been dramatically reduced, the number of abnormal adjustments of inventory has been decreased, while the efficiency of controlling and managing commodities has been enhanced. As for the internal control, it was shown that there were some items needed to be adjusted along with the changes in risks, including establishing the system of managing agent, implementing the mechanism of cross-managing confirmation, setting unified standard for commodity display and shelf exhibition, and putting the standard into effect, continuing serving the function of risk and error alert, putting relevant documents and files of operation and instruction in subject to centralized management, strengthen irregular field auditing and inventory test checking, reinforcing the chief manager checking and auditing system, ensuring staff to operate in conformity to procedure, enhancing the deploying of computer-assisted auditor and the knowledge related to computer-assisted auditing, etc.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
第一章  緒 論 ..............................1
 第一節 研究背景.............................1
 第二節 研究動機.............................3
 第三節 研究目的.............................6
 第四節 研究範圍.............................7
 第五節 研究方法.............................7
第二章  文獻探討.............................8
 第一節 3C 量販店 ............................8
  一、 3C 的定義 ............................8
  二、 量販店的定義...........................9
  三、 3C 量販店的特性 .........................10
  四、 零售業的定義...........................11
 第二節 內部控制.............................12
  一、 內部控制的定義..........................12
  二、 內部控制的目的..........................14
  三、 內部控制的要素..........................16
  四、 內部控制的程序..........................20
  五、 內部控制的限制..........................21
 第三節 內部稽核.............................22
 第四節 盤點...............................23
  一、 盤點的定義與目的.........................23
  二、 盤點精神.............................25
  三、 盤點範圍.............................26
  四、 作業單位及職掌..........................26
  五、 盤點步驟.............................27
  六、 盤點流程.............................27
  七、 盤點方法.............................30
  八、 一般盤點原則...........................35
 第五節 盤點系統.............................36
  一、 盤點系統.............................36
  二、 盤點系統的定義..........................36
  三、 盤點系統的功能架構........................37
  四、 盤點系統的影響..........................38
 第六節 盤點系統與內部控制的關係.....................39
第三章  研究方法.............................40
 第一節 研究方法.............................41
 第二節 研究步驟與流程..........................42
 第三節 個案研究設計...........................45
第四章  個案研究與分析..........................48
 第一節 個案公司介紹...........................48
  一、 產業趨勢.............................48
  二、 個案公司背景...........................49
  三、 個案公司願景...........................51
  四、 營業項目與比重..........................51
  五、 異業結盟.............................52
  六、 SWOT 分析............................52
  七、 競爭者比較............................54
 第二節 動盤系統導入前後差異分析.....................56
  一、 動態盤點系統導入前........................57
  二、 動態盤點系統導入後........................68
  三、 動態盤點系統導入後內部控制差異..................80
  四、 動態盤點系統導入前後數據分析...................90
第五章  結論與建議............................94
 第一節 研究結論.............................94
 第二節 研究限制.............................96
 第三節 研究建議.............................96
參考文獻 .................................97
一、 中文部份...............................97
二、 英文部分...............................99
三、 相關網站...............................100
附 錄...................................101

圖 2-1 內部控制五大要素圖.........................16
圖 2-2 內部控制程序............................20
圖 2-3 盤點作業流程圖...........................29
圖 3-1 研究示意圖.............................40
圖 3-2 研究流程圖.............................44
圖 4-1 個案公司營業項目與比重.......................52
圖 4-2 盤點週期設定維護..........................68
圖 4-3 動態盤點系統-日常盤點作業流程...................71
圖 4-4 商品庫存計算架構圖.........................73
圖 4-5 動態盤點系統-抽盤作業流程.....................75
圖 4-6 動態盤點系統-暫調結轉庫調作業流程.................78
圖 4-7 庫調商品數量分佈圖.........................91
圖 4-8 導入前後庫調數量比較圖.......................93

表 2-1 中華民國行業標準分類-3C 商品....................8
表 2-2 3C 產品分類表 ...........................9
表 2-3 COSO 五大要素...........................19
表 2-4 盤點方法依帳或實物之優缺點比較表..................31
表 2-5 盤點依週期之優缺點比較表......................32
表 2-6 盤點方法依區域之優缺點比較表....................34
表 2-7 盤點依時間之優缺點比較表......................34
表 3-1 訪談問題與COSO 要素對應表.....................46
表 4-1 個案公司簡介............................50
表 4-2 個案公司SWOT 分析表........................53
表 4-3 個案公司SWOT 策略矩陣表......................54
表 4-4 同業獲利比較表...........................55
表 4-5 同業本益比一覽表..........................55
表 4-6 定期盤點分類總表..........................58
表 4-7 各店回覆對應窗口一覽表.......................59
表 4-8 盤點差異分析表...........................59
表 4-9 銷售庫存量統計表..........................60
表 4-10 盤點作業時間表 ..........................62
表 4-11 年度分店盤點時程表 ........................62
表 4-12 分店盤點時程規劃表 ........................64
表 4-13 動態盤點排程一覽表 ........................69
表 4-14 盤點異常原因表 ..........................72
表 4-15 商品庫存計算架構說明 .......................74
表 4-16 庫存調整原因表 ..........................79
參考文獻 References
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三、 相關網站
1. 行政院金融監督管理委員會全球資訊網:
2. 勤業眾信會計師事務所:
3. 中華民國行政院主計處:
4. 中華民國審計部:
5. 財團法人會計研究發展基金會:
6. The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission:
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