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Title page for etd-0623109-153501
Expatriates in Management Level: The Predictors of Entrepreneurship in Cross-cultural Contexts
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Cultural Intelligence (CQ), Cultural Distance, Expatriate-Oriented Personality, International Entrepreneurship, Expatriate Adjustment
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1. 派外傾向人格特質包含高傾向的責任感、合群性、外向性、情緒穩定(亦即較低度的情緒敏感性)、以及彈性包容;國際創業家精神則包括了本土的內部開創、外部市場開拓、以及冒險性創新。
2. 派外傾向人格特質對派外人員的文化智商以及國際創業家精神有正向影響。
3. 文化智商對派外適應與國際創業家精神有正向影響。
4. 派外傾向人格特質會經由文化智商的中介效果間接地對派外適應以及國際創業家精神產生正向影響。
5. 不論文化距離大小,派外傾向的人格特質對國際創業家精神有顯著的正向影響;當文化距離中高時,文化智商對派外人員的國際創業家精神能產生最大的正向影響效果;而當文化距離小時,派外適應能提升派外人員的國際創業家精神。
Since the expatriates in management level have profound influences on the overall operation of overseas subsidiaries, it is significant for multinational corporations to understand the predictors of expatriate’s entrepreneurship in cross-cultural contexts. Hence, based on 230 effective samples from expatriates in management level, this research investigates the relationships among expatriate’s personality, cultural intelligence (CQ), expatriate adjustment, and international entrepreneurship, and cultural distance as a moderator. The results are outlined as follows.
1. Expatriate-oriented personality consists of high conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, emotional stability (i.e., low neuroticism), and flexibility and empathy; international entrepreneurship comprises local internal initiative, external market exploitation, and venture exploration.
2. Expatriate-oriented personality has positive influences on expatriate’s CQ and international entrepreneurship.
3. CQ has positive influences on expatriate adjustment and international entrepreneurship.
4. Expatriate-oriented personality has positive influences on expatriate adjustment and international entrepreneurship through the mediating effect of CQ.
5. No matter how the cultural distance is, expatriate-oriented personality is able to enhance expatriate’s international entrepreneurship; in median-high cultural distance, CQ’s role in international entrepreneurship achieves its maximum effectiveness; in smaller cultural distance, expatriate adjustment better promotes the performance of international entrepreneurship.
目次 Table of Contents
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 3
1.3 Expected Contribution 4
1.4 Research Procedure 4
2.1 Personality 7
2.1.1 Big-Five Personality 7
2.1.2 Personality and Expatriate Success 9
2.1.3 Summary of Personality Literature 11
2.2 Cultural Intelligence 12
2.2.1 Concept of CQ 12
2.2.2 Distinctiveness of CQ 15
2.2.3 Relationship between Personality and CQ 17
2.2.4 Summary of CQ Literature 20
2.3 Expatriate Adjustment 21
2.3.1 Concept of Expatriate Adjustment 21
2.3.2 Expatriate Adjustment and Other Constructs 24
2.3.3 Summary of Expatriate Adjustment Literature 30
2.4 International Entrepreneurship 31
2.4.1 Concept of International Entrepreneurship 32
2.4.2 International Entrepreneurship and other Constructs 36
2.4.3 Summary of International Entrepreneurship Literature 45
2.5 Cultural Distance 49
2.5.1 Concept of Cultural Distance 49
2.5.2 Cultural Distance and other Constructs 52
2.5.3 Summary of Cultural distance Literature 55
3.1 Theoretical Framework 56
3.2 Hypotheses 57
3.3 Instrument and Measurement 59
3.3.1 Expatriate-oriented Personality 59
3.3.2 Cultural Intelligence (CQ) 61
3.3.3 Expatriate Adjustment 62
3.3.4 International Entrepreneurship 63
3.3.5 Cultural Distance 64
3.4 Sampling 65
3.5 Data Analysis 65
4.1 Sample Description 69
4.2 Research Dimension Identification 74
4.2.1 Expatriate-oriented Personality 74
4.2.2 Cultural Intelligence (CQ) 78
4.2.3 Expatriate Adjustment 78
4.2.4 International Entrepreneurship 81
4.2.5 Cultural Distance 83
4.3 Correlation between Research Dimensions 84
4.3.1 Expatriate-oriented Personality and CQ 84
4.3.2 Expatriate-oriented Personality and Expatriate Adjustment 85
4.3.3 CQ and Expatriate Adjustment 86
4.3.4 Expatriate-oriented Personality and International Entrepreneurship 87
4.3.5 CQ and International Entrepreneurship 88
4.3.6 Expatriate Adjustment and International Entrepreneurship 88
4.4 Integrative Model with Cultural Distance 89
4.4.1 Integrative Model 90
4.4.2 Moderating Effects of Cultural Distance 94 Surface-level Distance 95 Deep-level Distance 100
5.1 Research Conclusion 105
5.1.1 Expatriate’s Personality and Entrepreneurship 105
5.1.2 Integrative Model with Cultural Distance 106
5.2 Practical Implications 111
5.3 Limitations and Future Research 113
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