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博碩士論文 etd-0623109-173218 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0623109-173218
Lifetime Maximization Schemes with Optimal Power Control for Multimedia Traffic in Wireless Sensor Networks
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wireless sensor network, power control, lifetime
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在本論文的第二部份,延續第一部分對多媒體品質的定義,我們進一步考慮在無線感測網路中如何延長節點壽命,同時想要延長節點使用時間而且維持多媒體品質的穩定度是屬於非線性最佳化的範疇,其可轉化成一個最大-最小化組合型的數學方程式。為了解決這個方程式,我們提出兩個方法︰route-associated power management (RAPM) 與 link-associated power management (LAPM)。對於運算資源有限的節點,RAPM方法可藉由簡化運算條件降低運算量所耗費的資源,並且能夠快速地計算出每條路徑的使用壽命,找出最長壽的路徑。除此之外,若運算資源足夠的情況下,可以採用LAPM方法計算出更為準確的結果,同時針對路徑上的各個節點配置最適合的傳送功率。最後,我們分析這兩種解決方案,發現使用LAPM方法其結果相當近似於暴力法求解的結果。
Power saving for extending session lifetime is an important research subject in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Recognizing the fact that Quality of Service can be deteriorated by insufficient transmit power, this work studies how to minimize power consumption while achieve a satisfactory QoS of data streams in WSNs. A cross-layer routing scheme is proposed to maximize session lifetime by adjusting individual transmit power on intermediate nodes. The thesis is divided into two major parts for analyzing our proposition. In the first part, we propose an efficient routing scheme with optimal power management and on-demand quality control for WSNs. When source node issues a QoS provision for route discovery, an adjustment of transmit power is computed for each pass-by node by taking into its individual wireless link account. Then, an optimal route associated with lowest power consumption and consistent QoS can be selected among all of the candidate routes. In the second part, by following the definition of QoS criterion in the first part, we further consider the problem of how to balance the needs on constraining end-to-end quality and prolonging lifetime in an established route. The problem can be interpreted as a non-linear optimization paradigm, which is then shown to be a max-min composite formulation. To solve the problem, we propose two methods, (1) route-associated power management (RAPM), and (2) link-associated power management (LAPM). Considering computation-restricted sensor nodes, the RAPM scheme is two-fold simplification; not only it can reduce power computation, but it also quickly determines the longest lifetime and proper transmit power for nodes. On the other hand, if computational cost is not a major concern in a sink node, the LAPM algorithm is more suitable than RAPM to solve the lifetime maximization problem, in terms of accuracy. Finally, we analyze the performance of these two methods. The results demonstrate that the LAPM scheme is very comparable to a heuristic approach.
目次 Table of Contents
摘 要 i
Abstract iii
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Proposed Schemes on WSN 4
1.2.1 Efficient Power Control on WSN 4
1.2.2 Lifetime Maximization on WMSN 7
1.3 Organization of the Dissertation 9
Chapter 2 Survey of Literature 11
2.1 Works on Power Management 11
2.1.1 Efficient Power on QoS Criterion 12
2.1.2 Power Management on Link Scheduling 13
2.1.3 Power-aware Protocol 14
2.2 Works on Lifetime Maximization 15
2.2.1 Topics on Network Lifetime 15
2.2.2 Topics on Multicasting 17
2.2.3 Topics on Efficient Routing 18
2.2.4 Topics on Special Purposes 19
Chapter 3 Minimization of Power Consumptions 22
3.1 Model Description 22
3.2 Definition of QoS Criterion 25
3.3 Route Selection with Power Minimization 30
3.4 Optimal Power Determination 34
3.5 Power Control for Multimedia 39
Chapter 4 Lifetime Maximization 41
4.1 How to Maximize Lifetime 41
4.1.1 System Description 41
4.1.2 Problem Formulation 43
4.2 Route-Associated Power Management 46
4.3 Link-Associated Power Management 53
Chapter 5 Numerical Analysis 62
5.1 Analysis of Power Control 62
5.1.1 Comparison with a Previous Work 62
5.1.2 Study of Different Parameters 64
5.1.3 Numerical Results 66
5.2 Case in Heterogeneous Networks 68
5.3 Analysis of Session Lifetime 75
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works 84
6.1 Conclusions 84
6.2 Future Works 85
Bibliography 87
Vita 94
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