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博碩士論文 etd-0623112-013348 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0623112-013348
Financial Market dependence : Stock Markets
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The European sovereign debt crisis, Stock market dependence, Financial crises, Regime-switch copula, PIGS
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我們所使用的模型稱為copula模型,而本文的copula模型是奠基於Gaussian copula方法論,在邊際分配上本文是依據GARCH模型規範,而在聯合分配上是使用Gaussian copula模型。
This paper focuses on stock markets, including Portugal、Italy、Ireland、Greece and Spain, and these are named PIGS by economists. Furthermore, we add the other three countries, U.S.A.、U.K. and Germany in this paper for investigating the dependence structure in the stock markets between these countries during the period 2001-2011. We implement a regime-switching copula model based on Gaussian copula, which uses a GARCH specification for the marginal distributions and the Gaussian copula for the joint distribution. Our method combines copulas and regime-switching models to demonstrate dependence sructures in stock markets between these countries.
Based on this paper, we have two reports for international investors. First, if the dependency changes over time, the returns of portfolio diversification may be prone to diversification disasters, and the international investors' degrees of diversification can cause higher systemic risk in the period of financial crisis. Second, the phonomenon of the asymmetric dependence exists in financial markets, and we conclude that non-diversification may be better than diversification in the period of financial crisis.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Tables v
Figures vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Causes of European sovereign debt crisis 7
3. Methodology 10
3.1. Conditional copula 10
3.2. Regime switches in copula 11
3.3. Estimation of parameters 13
3.4. Models for Marginal Distributions and Bivariate Distributions 14
3.5. Models for Bivariate Distributions 15
4. Data and Descriptive Statistics 16
5. Conclusion 23
Reference 25
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