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Life Cycle, Human Capital, and Participation in Internet
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Human Capital, On-line Shopping
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人力資本(human capital)基本上就是一種知識、技巧,或者說是人們的專業知識,它是透過投資在正式或非正式的教育、訓練、或邊做邊學(learning by doing)來取得。如果我們採用家計的生產模型在消費者行為上,家計單位或消費者可視為在家計裡製造物品或勞動然後再賣給自己,實際上,很自然的就將勞動用在家計上,於是人力資本就可當作在家計生產過程中的一項重要投入。



Human capital is basically knowledge, skill, or expertise embodied in people and acquired through investments in formal or informal education, training, or learning by doing. If one adopts the household production model of consumer behavior in which the household or consumer is viewed as producing goods or services in the household that they sell to themselves, in effect, it is natural to think of labor used in the household. It follows that human capital should be an important input to the process of household production.

Following the prevailing of the internet, on-line shopping is the whole new tendency towards consumption. In the view of human capital, on-line shopping provide more information about goods and prices to consumers, but the point is that consumers build the skill to search information. When consumers have the ability to shop by computer and internet, and are also familiar with the on-line shopping procedure through on-line shopping experience, it may rise the consumption of on-line shopping. This is a kind of accumulated human capital effect.

Many empirical research show that most internet users have higher degree, and on the other hand the percentage of employees from information industries is also increasing. Students and employees from information are the large weight users. Thus it can be seen that shopping on the web or not depends on the degree of eduction and contact with internet.

This study use the concept of human capital to explain the motive of on-line shopping. When consumers have the ability to shop by computer and internet, and are also familiar with the on-line shopping procedure through on-line shopping experience, it would lower the full price of on-line shopping, and then increase the consumption. It involves with the effect of network externality, therefore this external effect lower the full price and rise the consumption of on-line shopping. That is why more and more people are willing to consume on the wed. The purpose of this study is using the generalized human capital model under the network externality to discuss the role of human capital when consumers consume the activities of on-line shopping.
目次 Table of Contents
謝辭............................................................... I
中文摘要.......................................................... III
英文摘要........................................................... V
目錄............................................................. VII

第一章 緒論........................................................ 1
第一節 研究動機與背景.......................................... 1
第二節 研究目的................................................ 2
第三節 研究架構................................................ 4

第二章 文獻回顧.................................................... 5
第一節 癮好的人力資本模型...................................... 5
第二節 人力資本模型的應用...................................... 7
一、消費的模式和生活型態..................................... 7
二、消費者搜尋............................................... 7
第三節 網際網路的相關探討...................................... 8
一、網際網路的商業應用....................................... 8
二、網路購物................................................. 9
三、網路外部性效果.......................................... 10

第三章 理論模型................................................... 12
第一節 人力資本之一般化模型..................................... 12
第二節 人力資本應用在家計生產................................... 17
一、生命週期的消費............................................ 17
二、消費的模式和生活型態....................................... 20
三、消費者搜尋................................................ 24

第四章 網路購物的基本模型......................................... 28

第五章 結論與建議................................................. 36
第一節 研究結論與意涵........................................... 36
第二節 研究限制與未來研究方向................................... 37

參考文獻.......................................................... 39

附錄.............................................................. 42
參考文獻 References
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