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Title page for etd-0626107-130336
A study of perceived organizational support, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior-Engineers in high-tech industry as example
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organizational citizenship behavior, perceived organizational support, high technology industry, organizational commitment
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As we progress towards the era of knowledge economy, organizations become more dependent on the knowledge-based resources possessed by their employees. In the past, organizations are only concerned with employees’ commitment to the company and hoping they perform citizenship behaviors in favor of the company. Nowadays, it is more important to know that employees also develop an overall belief concerning the extent to which organizations values and cares about them, which is called perceived organizational support. Mutual trust and commitment is needed to fulfill the expectations from the organizations and employees.
The purpose of this study is to examine whether employees’ perceptions of organizational support positively affect their commitment to the organization ; whether organizational commitment positively affect the extent to which employees perform citizenship behaviors ; whether commitment mediates the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior.
After a survey directed at engineers in high-tech industries, results are as the following: (1) perceived organizational support increases employees’ commitment to the organization ; (2) organizational commitment increases employees’ citizenship behaviors ; (3) organizational commitment mediates the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction................. 1
1.1 Research Background................ 1
1.2 Research Questions................... 2

Chapter Two: Literature Review...... 3
2.1 Perceived Organizational Support................. 4
2.2 Organizational Commitment..... 8
2.3 Organizational Citizenship Behavior............. 18
2.4 Relationship between perceived organizational support, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. 27

Chapter Three: Methodology............ 32
3.1 Study Framework.... 32
3.2 Hypothesis............... 32
3.3 Operational definitions and measures......... 33
3.4 Samples and data analysis....... 40

Chapter Four: Study Results............ 45
4.1 Descriptive statistics................... 45
4.2 One-way ANOVA analysis.......... 46
4.3 Correlation Analysis.................... 48
4.4 Regression analysis................... 50
4.5 Regression analysis of organizational commitment mediating the POS-OCB relationship.................... 53

Chapter Five: Conclusion and Suggestion......... 56
5.1 Conclusion.............. 56
5.2 Suggestion.............. 58
5.3 Limitation................. 60

References..................... 62

Appendix.... 67
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