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博碩士論文 etd-0626116-143820 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0626116-143820
The Relationship among Altruism, Egoism, and Turnover Intention in Nonprofit Organizations - The Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate
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Egoism, Ethical Climate, Turnover Intention, Altruism
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5977 times, has been downloaded 42 times.
Since Taiwan has rescinded martial law, the nonprofit organizations(NPOs) are dramatically vigorous developed. For the past twenty years, it is the fast-growing period for NPOs in Taiwan. According to the statistics of Social Enterprise Insights, until 2016, there are more than 80,000 nonprofit organizations in Taiwan. However, the high turnover rate is a big issue in NPOs. Also NPOs belongs to a human service career, if full-time staff do not have enough positive and altruistic motivation and energy to work, they are easily feel frustrated and intend to leave the organizations. Therefore, the motivation of this study is to help to decrease the turnover rate in NPOs.
The purpose of this study is to examine the main effect of altruism and egoism on turnover intention, and the moderating effect of ethical climate. Regression analysis was used to examine the hypothesis in a samples of 123 full-time staff in NPOs. The result suggested that egoism had a positive relationship to turnover intention. And in the ethical climate: instrumental, and law & code will weaken the relationship between egoism and turnover intention. The finding may help nonprofit organizations to decrease their turnover rate.
目次 Table of Contents

論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation and Purpose 1
Literature Review 4
2.1 Nonprofit Organizations 4
2.1.1 The origin of nonprofit organizations 4
2.1.2 Definition 4
2.1.3 Type of NPOs 6
2.2 Altruism 7
2.2.1 Definition 7
2.2.2 Dispositions in Altruism 8
2.3 Egoism 9
2.3.1 Definition 9
2.3.2 Dispositions in Egoism 10
2.4 Turnover Intention 10
2.5 Ethical Climate 13
2.5.1 Definition 13
2.5.2 Theoretical and Empirical Basis for Ethical Climate 14
2.6 IV-DV Altruism-Turnover Intention 17
2.7 IV-DV Egoism-Turnover Intention 19
2.8 Moderating Effects 19
Research Methods 22
3.1 Data Collection and Sample 22
3.2 Measures 23
Results 26
Discussion 40
5.1 Discussion and Conclusion 40
5.2 Managerial Application 41
5.3 Research Limitation & Suggestion for Future Research 42
Reference 44
Appendix 48

Content of Table
Table 1 Four Types of Turnover 13
Table 2 Theoretical Dimensions of Ethical Climate 17
Table 3 Theoretically- and Empirically-Identified Dimensions of Ethical Climate 17
Table 4 Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations a 28
Table 5 Regression Analysis of Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate: Caring on Altruism and Turnover Intention 29
Table 6 Regression Analysis of Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate: Instrumental on Altruism and Turnover Intention 30
Table 7 Regression Analysis of Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate: Law & Code on Altruism and Turnover Intention 31
Table 8 Regression Analysis of Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate: Rules on Altruism and Turnover Intention 32
Table 9 Regression Analysis of Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate: Independent on Altruism and Turnover Intention 33
Table 10 Regression Analysis of Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate: Caring on Egoism and Turnover Intention 34
Table 11 Regression Analysis of Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate: Instrumental on Egoism and Turnover Intention 35
Table 12 Regression Analysis of Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate: Law & Code on Egoism and Turnover Intention 36
Table 13 Regression Analysis of Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate: Rules on Egoism and Turnover Intention 37
Table 14 Regression Analysis of Moderating Effect of Ethical Climate: Independent on Egoism and Turnover Intention 38

Content of Figure
Figure 1 Hypothesis 23
Figure 2 Effect of Interaction between Egoism and Ethical Climate: Instrumental on Turnover Intention 38
Figure 3 Effect of Interaction between Egoism and Ethical Climate: Law & Code on Turnover Intention 39
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Online resources:
ICNPO• The International Classification of Non-profit Organizations
吳芳德 (2015)•籌組宜蘭縣非營利組織從業人員職業工會的必要性
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