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博碩士論文 etd-0626116-151539 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0626116-151539
Research on Business Successor Choice and Issues from the Perspective of Successors: The Case of Taiwanese Family Businesses
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Attribute, Successor, Family Business Succession, Selection, Family Business
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5863 times, has been downloaded 77 times.
This study explores the desirable successor attributes in Taiwanese large family businesses from the viewpoint of successors. Multi-case study in terms of in-depth interview is adopted. It is revealed that family kinship, accomplishment, and support from senior managers are the key for choosing successor and allowing the successor to be approved as future. Also, incumbents tend to have preference on successor attribute depending on personal background and need of firm. Participants have also indicated the desirable attributes for future successor. However, the result should be examined by actual decisions in the futures.

Several issues regarding to family business succession are also raised, including (1) Succession is about team of a generation from another, instead of power transfer between two individuals (2) The efficiency of gaining experience in an external firm (3) Timing for succession could hardly be designed (4) Taiwanese founders tend to retain their power within business even if they retired (5) Cross-generational communication should be well-managed
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter I: Introduction 1
1-1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1-2 Research Objectives 2
1-3 Research Procedures 4
Chapter II: Literature Review 4
2-1 Family Business 4
2-1-1 Defining Family Business 4
2-1-2 Advantages of Family-Run Business 7
2-2 Family Business Succession 9
2-2-1 Review on Family Business Succession 9
2-2-2 Intra-Family Succession 12
2-2-3 Chinese Cultural Influence 12
2-2-4 Founder 13
2-2-5 Previous Implications for Family Business Succession 14
2-3 Selecting Family Business Successor 15
2-3-1 Condition for Selection 15
2-3-2 Criteria for Selection 17
Chapter III: Research Methodology 26
3-1 Case Study 26
3-2 Research Process 27
3-2-1 Design of Interview Questions 27
3-2-2 Type of Interview 27
3-2-3 Source of Research Cases 28
3-3 Data Collection 29
3-3-1 Data 29
3-3-2 Informants 30
Chapter IV Case Analyses 32
4-1 Case Company Profile 32
4-2 Valued Successor Attributes and Essential Issues in Succession 34
4-2-1 Identified favored successor attributes for first generation 34
4-2-2 Identified keys for business management 41
4-2-3 Informants’ Valued Attributes on Selecting Successor 41
4-2-4 Important issues during succession process 48
Chapter V: Conclusion 56
5-1 Conclusion 56
5-2 Findings 58
5-3 Managerial Implication 63
5-4 Limitation and Suggestions for Future Research 64
References 65
Appendix: Interview Outline 70
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Small and Medium Enterprise Administration Ministry of Economic Affairs.
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