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博碩士論文 etd-0627114-173216 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0627114-173216
Learning in the Experience of Identity Formation-Using NSYSU Guitar Association as an Example
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Date of Exam
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Identity formation, Narrative inquiry, Learning process, Community of practice, Social learning theory
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1. 個人認同透過與社群互動中形塑與調適,並與事物的學習能力不斷的相互生成,因此在產生學習的能力以及行為以前,需建立個人對事物的認同才有觸發學習的可能性。
2. 個人在進入社群後,個人認同若與與組織認同產生衝突,會透過共同情緒事件來確認社群成員彼此間的組織認同是否相同,而個人會為了生存於社群中,產生個人的認同調適能力達到個人認同與組織認同的共存狀態。
3. 個人產生感染群體的能力,透過個人當責性,個人在社群中專業能力的展演會推動社群其他成員,產生提升專業能力的影響力。
4. 在社團中,個人的個人認同中對於組織認同強大意念會透過社群軌跡的推演,使得個人的組織認同有機會獲得施展,並推動群體產生改變。
This research uses the approach of narrative inquiry to analyze the life and learning experiences of the memberships of NSYSU Guitar Association. Based on the concept of Social Learning Theory, Community of Practice and Organization Identity, this research presents the process of the members that how they participate in the community. Explore what they change and learn in the process. hrough scrutinizing in the origins of the members identity, what rooted identity is and how the identity changing in the process. Try to understand how identity to influence membership in this process and how a membership to generate new organization identity and push forward this new organization identity for all memberships to recognition. By analyzing the data and literatures, we sorted out the findings of this research :
1. Personal identity interacts with the community to shape and adapt. The identity and the ability to learning form each other constantly. How to generate a person have leaning ability is to establish his identity.
2. They confirm each other’s organization though emotional events. If new comers have conflicts between personal identity and organization identity. They will find the way to adapt their identity to coexist with the community.
3. Personal ability will infect the community through accountability. People in the community performances of professional competence will push other community members.
4. The community’s trajectory makes individual’s organizational identity to have access to display and promote community to have the possibility to change.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表次 vii
圖次 viii
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
第一節 研究動機 - 1 -
第二節 研究問題 - 3 -
第二章 文獻探討 - 5 -
第一節 認同 - 6 -
第三章 研究方法 - 14 -
第一節 敘說探究法 - 14 -
第二節 關鍵事件法 - 16 -
第三節 研究設計與歷程 - 17 -
第四章 個案故事 - 23 -
第一節 阿靠的故事 - 23 -
第二節 修哥的故事 - 29 -
第三節 布蘭蒂的故事 - 35 -
第五章 分析與討論 - 42 -
第一節 個人認同的不斷強化與改變,成為運轉學習的重要推力 - 42 -
第二節 尋求兩者共存的生存之道-群體與個人間的衝突調適 - 49 -
第三節 能力及行動的擴散效應,個人開啟群體的開關 - 55 -
第六章 結論與反思 - 64 -
第一節 分析結論-學習是認同探索的歷程 - 64 -
第二節 管理意涵及研究限制 - 66 -
第三節 研究反思 - 68 -
參考文獻 - 69 -
中文文獻 - 69 -
英文文獻 - 70 -
參考文獻 References
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