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Title page for etd-0627114-220221
The Mediating Mechanisms between Prosocial Motivation and Job Performance in Mission-driven Organizations
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prosocial motivation, calling, mission-driven organization, job involvement, job performance
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研究結果顯示,利社會動機會分別透過使命感與工作投入正向影響工作績效;除此之外,利社會動機會經由使命感提升工作投入,進而反映在其輔助性績效上。本研究根據結果提出管理意涵如下:1. 藉由甄選工具來確保組織成員具有高利社會動機與使命感與 2. 加強組織成員的使命感與工作投入,以達成高工作績效。
Nowadays, mission-driven organizations are becoming more and more popular as increasing concerns about human welfare and social responsibility. Previous studies have suggested that individuals with prosocial motivation have better job performance in mission-driven organizations. However, the mediating mechanisms remain uncertain. This study proposes that prosocially motivated individuals can experience higher levels of sense of calling by making prosocial difference to reach self-achievement through mission-driven organizations. Furthermore they will achieve higher degrees of job involvement by identifying with their work, and eventually make better job performance. Hence, this study proposes individual’s sense of calling and job involvement as the mediators. The data was collected from 37 different organizations and 420 subjects, and tested by serial multiple mediation analysis.
The results show that prosocial motivation is positively related to job performance through calling or job involvement. Besides, prosocial motivation would partially influence an individual’s job involvement and subsequent contextual performance through sense of calling.
目次 Table of Contents
2.1 Job Performance 4
2.2 Prosocial Motivation 7
2.3 Calling 10
2.4 Job Involvement 14
3.1 Research Framework 20
3.2 Hypotheses 21
3.3 Sample & Procedure 21
3.4 Variable Definition & Measurements 23
3.4.1 Prosocial Motivation 23
3.4.2 Calling 24
3.4.3 Job Involvement 24
3.4.4 Job Performance 24
3.4.5 Control Variables 25
3.5 Data Analysis 26
3.6 Sample Description 28
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 29
4.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 31
4.3 Results of Serial Multiple Mediation Analysis 32
4.4 Results of Hypotheses 35
5.1 Discussion 37
5.2 Theoretical Contributions 38
5.3 Practical Implications 39
5.4 Limitations and Future Research 40
References 42
Appendix I 52
Appendix II 55
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