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Title page for etd-0628116-193206
The Relationship Among Employee Innovativeness, Perceived Organizational Innovative Readiness and Innovative Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Work Experience
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work experience, innovative behavior, organizational innovative readiness, employee innovativeness, organizational innovation
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近年來,企業對於創新的重視逐漸增加。領導者紛紛倡導創新對於組織的重要性,並積極網羅具有創新意識的人才。組織創新和員工創新行為的相關議題與討論也因此而更加熱烈。過去的研究顯示,成員的創新性格會對其在職場的創新行為有正向的影響。然而,介於這之中的中介機制尚未有充分的討論。本研究認為,具有創新性格的員工對於組織中所進行的創新和改變,會有較正向積極的態度與信心。並願意表現較多的支持和創新行為,進而使組織創新與變革得以有效實施並成功。除此之外,工作經驗的累積對於促進創新準備而言有益或不利,也有待進一步的分析和研究。故本研究以組織創新準備為中介變項,探討員工創新性格和創新行為之間的中介歷程,同時探討工作經驗是否能夠對於創新性格和創新準備的關係產生調節效果。本研究抽樣共298名企業員工,並以多元回歸分析進行假設檢定,研究結果顯示,員工創新性格對其創新行為有正向影響,同時,員工所認知的組織創新準備在前述關係中具有部分中介的效果。除此之外,工作經驗的累積有助於提升員工對組織創新的信心與正向心態,具有正向調節的作用。依據此結果,本研究提出以下管理意涵: 1.企業可發展甄選工具評估員工之創新性格與工作經驗 2.企業在進行創新之前需診斷自身之創新準備度並對不足之處加以改善3.加強對員工之訓練,增進其對組織創新的接受度和執行力。
Nowadays, innovation had become a critical role in organization. The issues concerning organizational innovation and employees’ innovative behavior have therefore become more and more popular. Previous studies have confirmed that organizational members’ innovativeness will have positive impact on their innovative work on the workplace. However, the mediating mechanisms between the relationship are still uncertain. The present study assumes that individual with higher innovativeness will have positive attitude and confident toward organizational innovation. In this case, they are more likely to support and display innovative behavior, and initiate organizational innovation. Moreover, work experience may also have impact on fostering innovative behavior whereby need more research to further clarify it. As a result, we suggest perceived organizational innovative readiness will mediating the relationship among employee innovativeness and innovative behavior. Meanwhile, we test the moderating role of work experience between employee innovativeness and perceived organizational innovative readiness.
In total, we collect data from 298 employees in various industries in Taiwan. The final examination of hierarchical regression analysis showed that employee innovativeness will positive related to innovative behavior; at the same time, perceive organizational innovative readiness will partial mediate the relationship above. What is more, work experience will have positive moderation effect on employee’s perceived organizational innovative readiness. Based on the result, we then provide managerial implications.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要  iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vi
Introduction p.1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation p.1
1.2 Research Objectives p.4
Literature Review p.6
2.1 Employee Innovativeness p.6
2.2 Perceived organizational innovative readiness p.8
2.3 Innovative behavior p.12
2.4 Consequences of employee innovativeness p.14
2.5 Mediating role of perceived organizational innovative readiness p.15
2.6 Moderating role of work experience p.17
Research Method p.20
3.1 Research Framework p.20
3.2 Hypothesis p.21
3.3 Participants and Procedure p.21
3.4 Measures p.23
3.5 Data Analysis p.26
Results p.28
4.1 Descriptive Statistics p.28
4.2 Hypothesis Testing p.30
4.3 Results of Hypothesis p.36
Discussion p.37
5.1 Theoretical Contributions p.37
5.2 Managerial Implication p.38
5.3 Limitation and Future Research p.41
Reference p.44
Appendix: Questionnaire p.51
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