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Title page for etd-0630109-103924
Strategic CSR of Foreign Subsidiary
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Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable-oriented Human Resources Management, Transnational Coordination Mechanism, CSR Response Mode, Top Management Team Leadership, Stakeholder Relationship Capital
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CSR approach is getting noticed by more and more scholars and practitioners to assist MNC subsidiaries’ performance and survival. Prahalad (2004) argued MNCs need to be able to explore and exploit opportunities from undeveloped or developing countries in pursuit of their continuous profitability and sustainability. However, how MNC subsidiaries can be organized to approach and discover the local people and social needs from emerging economies is still a question to be answered.
Porter & Kramer (2002) proposed strategic CSR approach for firms to getting into sustainability. By all means of strategic CSR, firms truly realize sustainability that simultaneously obtaining economic, social and environmental performance when the CSR activities are practiced from inside out that involves the whole organization, structure, and system, and meanwhile links with firm strategies. This research adopted system perspective incorporating RBV and stakeholder perspective to systematically examine how internal CSR-related processes interact to influence MNC subsidiaries’ sustainability in host country.
We accordingly looked into the CSR practices and the related management processes implemented by XI MNC subsidiaries in China and Taiwan through case interviews. We identified that CSR international coordination mechanism, HRM, and TMT leadership are all important processes through which MNC subsidiaries reach sustainability in host countries by CSR practices. Besides, we found that a strong corporate social culture within subsidiaries built up through the abovementioned processes is an important factor that leads to subsidiaries’ sustainability. In addition, we identified stakeholder relational capital derived from these CSR-related processes is another critical, firm-specific resource to facilitate MNC subsidiaries’ sustainable performance. On the whole, the findings upon the case studies of our research proposed a systematic MNC subsidiaries CSR framework that explains how, why, and under which influential factors CSR practices are implemented. This research therefore can contribute to the theoretical developments in CSR theories, RBV, and international management theories as well as firms’ management practices in conducting CSR for sustainability.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論………08
第一節 研究背景………08
第二節 研究動機………09
第三節 研究目的………10
第四節 研究流程………11
第二章 文獻探討…12
第一節 企業社會責任…12
第二節 企業永續發展…19
第三節 資源基礎理論…25
第四節 CSR回應模式…28
第五節 跨國協調機制…31
第六節 永續導向人力資源管理……34
第七節 高階管理團隊領導…………36
第八節 企業社會公民文化…………40
第三章 研究方法…44
第一節 個案研究法……44
第二節 概念性架構……45
第三節 研究設計與資料收集方式…46
第四章 個案綜合分析與命題發展…………50
第一節 企業永續發展績效…………50
第二節 企業社會公民文化表現與永續發展……60
第三節 企業社會責任策略性回應模式…………71
第四節 跨國協調機制…80
第五節 永續導向人力資源管理……84
第六節 高階管理團隊領導…………91
第七節 外部體制環境對永續發展績效表現……96
第八節 利害關係人之關係資本對永續發展績效表現……105
第九節 企業成立時間對永續發展績效表現…107
第五章 結論與建議…………113
第一節 研究結論……113
第二節 研究建議……124
第三節 研究限制……127
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